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Dynamic 3D Autogen Vegetation

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I have the ORBx HD Trees and like to turn off the default P3D4“Dynamic 3D Autogen Vegetation” since I don’t like all the light green trees that it presents.

I disable them in the P3D options menu and reboot P3D, and they are gone. But the default trees appear again if I load another scenario, and I have to go through the same process again, ie disable then reboot.

I would like to eliminate this function and have searched the P3D cfg files for a relevant D3DAV entry, without success. 

Anyone have any idea how I can permanently turn-off “Dynamic 3D Autogen Vegetation”?



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Hi Nigel,


the relevant entry in Prepar3D.cfg is "AUTOGEN_VEGETATION_TYPE=", in the [SCENERY] section. The default setting is "1", with “Dynamic 3D Autogen Vegetation” unchecked it changes to "0".


Perhaps you're using some P3D start-up or management utility that alters that entry? We don't.


Cheers, Holger

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Thx for your response, Holger.  I "remarked-out" AUTOGEN_VEGETATION_TYPE= but it regenerated next time I booted up P3D!  So I am going to have to be careful in future when creating scenarios that the D3DAV is unchecked before saving. I am subsequently re-saving some of my scenarios where they need to be de-activated.



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I continued to be plagued by the dynamic vegetation being turned on, even although I had re-saved many scenarios with the dynamic vegetation de-activated. The culprit? SimStarter has this in one of its configuration entries - I de-activated it there and my dynamic vegetation is gone!



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44 minutes ago, nigelgrant said:

I continued to be plagued by the dynamic vegetation being turned on, even although I had re-saved many scenarios with the dynamic vegetation de-activated. The culprit? SimStarter has this in one of its configuration entries - I de-activated it there and my dynamic vegetation is gone!



Lesson learned--always make changes to the sim through SimStarter.  The only change I can't make through SimStarter is setting the preferred sound devices--speakers, headsets, etc.  Those changes have to be made in the sim itself.



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