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default GES Buildings and Add-on Scenery Building into each other


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Hi there,

first of all: I am using Prepare3D v4 under Windows 10 and my graphics card is a Geforce GTX 1070. I have installed FTX Global Base Pack, openLC Europe, Vector and Libraries, EU Germany North, EU Germany South.  Now I bought the EDVY Porta Westfalica Airport and installed it. When I looked through the airport I saw that the default Germany South Buildings of EDVY are placed into the add-on scenery buildings. Did I anything wrong while installation EDVY? Must there be a special order to set in the FTX Central? Current setting there is:


  • FTX entries should be inserted below: "(at the top of the scenery library)"
  • openLC entries should be inserted below: "FTX".


How can I fix this problem?


Thanks for help, kindly,


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Hi Martin,


good catch! Apparently, the combination of EDVY and Germany North isn't well used, at least I can't find any previous report in our forums regarding the overlapping buildings.


It appears that the object exclude file included with EDVY doesn't cover the entire airport. The work-around is to deactivate the file "FTX_GEN_EDVY_objects.bgl" in ORBX\FTX_EU\FTX_EU_GEN_05_SCENERY\scenery . An easy way to do so is to move it into its parent directory.


Cheers, Holger

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I see this post as a possible question but with inverted signs. I have FTX Global+FTX Vector+FTX openLC (all) + ESSA+YBBN+YMML

I bought sceneries from Aerosoft and some of them will be covered by some of ORBX sceneries (Europe EU England covers my EGLL Mega Profissional, EU North/South Germany covers my EDDF Mega Profissional).  I posted my question here at ORBX forum but many days since then and no answers.

I'd like very much to buy EU England + EU North/South Germany but would like to know if this won't interfere with my paid sceneries and if not would there be any order of placements.


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