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HELP - MIssing files with GB South


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Hi, I've run the installation/conversion process and FTX is showing the product as installed.


When launching a flight, I am getting the below error message and when I click understood, XP11 crashes and closes.


Please help!





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getting the same issue, revalidated files to no avail

0:01:25.973 E/SYS: | Error, could not locate image file for terrain
0:01:25.973 E/SYS: | Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_GB_South_TrueEarth_Orthos/terrain/a750xfa40x17.ter
0:01:25.973 E/SYS: | Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_GB_South_TrueEarth_Orthos/terrain/
0:01:25.973 E/SYS: | ../textures/a750xfa40x17.dds
0:01:25.973 E/SYS: | (REN_terrain.cpp:146)
0:01:25.973 E/SYS:




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I have the same problem. I ran the verify option in FTX and it downloaded some more files.


Ran XPlane again and got a similar message.


Re-ran the verify option and it downloaded some more files.


The same issue again and now on third Verify.


Any ideas?


Order No: 5bc2386e39eed




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Solved it! - I just re-ran a couple of times and now it's working.


The scenery is AWESOME and the level of detail just STUNNING! - I flew over my house and could even see my circular drive in front of the house!


Couldn't see my short hanging on the washing line though :)


Amazing job, well done to all the team at Orbx, Can't wait for the rest and The Netherlands.

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  • 1 year later...



I have the exact same issue today. Product has installed according to Orbx Central v4.1.22 but X-Plane v11.5 reports a missing terrain error in the X-Plane/Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_GB_South_TrueEarth_Orthos/terrain folder.


As a bit of background, my 2015 Core i5 iMac (Catalina) rebooted several times during the install process (cpu panic during file scanning) but did eventually install to the X-Plane application custom scenery folder


I've attempted to re-verify the installation using Orbx Central but again this reboots before completion. Furthest it has got is scanning around 28000 of the 31000 'ish files. I will continue trying.


Unfortunately the link in the previous post to the missing terrain files appears to be broken. Is there also a link to the full zip version of the product? Cant find it in Orbx Direct


Any ideas?

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Please read the topic in the link. It is written for Windows users as I am not familiar at all with Mac but the  basics are the same in regard to free disk space on the disk you are downloading onto and the disk you want to install onto. Also the remarks about the Temp folder location and the deleting of any Backup copy you may have made by the default setting for that option in Orbx Central being enabled

The attached pic shows where to Clear Temp folder, How to Edit the Temp folder path to another larger capacity disk and where to look ( the Mac equivalent location needed) for the backup copy



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Hi Jon,

Thanks for the swift reply but my iMac has a single 1TB drive with over 700GB free, so i'm not sure how this helps me.


I have changed the Concurrency and Conversions settings in the installer to try and mitigate the reboots but it doesnt appear to make much difference.


As I mentioned the product is showing as installed, but there appears to be a few files missing.


Not sure what to do next. Is there a ZIP download rather than Orbx Central?




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No there is no manual download of a zip file. I can now only suggest initially to try a Verify Files option. First though you must delete any backup copy  which is shown how to in the pic I attached. This is in case the backup copy is corrupted as when you Verify Files it will read the backup copy. Best it reads a the files from the server and downloads from there rather than a backup copy The message about missing ortho file is normally associated with a lack of free disk space hence my mention of it.  If that fails then an uninstall via Orbx central, reboot PC and then a reinstall is suggested

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For any other Mac users out there i finally managed to get a clean product install and the scenery working in X-Plane by doing the following:-

  • uninstalled the product via Orbx central
  • disabled the wifi adapter on the iMac and plugged in a wired ethernet internet connection
  • reinstalled via Orbx Central (Moderate CPU, HDD, install to Orbx library rather than X-Plane install folder)
  • monitored the thread activity from Orbx Central (via Activity Monitor) and checked the CPU didn't get overloaded (never used more than 2 cores on the moderate setting)
  • paused the install periodically (every hour), checked the thread and CPU activity ceased, closed Orbx Central, checked the threads were killed then restarted Orbx Central and continued.
  • after install, fixed up the broken folder aliases to the Orbx library in the X-Plane folder (the old Orbx folders were left there despite the uninstall)
  • sanity checked the X-Plane custom scenery ini file

In summary, I have no idea why my original install didn't work as the Orbx Central installer was rock solid during the second attempt. My best guess is the switch from WiFI to a wired connection was the real fix. After Google'ing there is some evidence the WiFi adapter can cause Kernel panics in some scenarios.


btw the scenery looks awesome! Particularly like the shipping / port activity in my home town of Southampton 

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