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Time taken to load auto-generated scenery.

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I'm not sure if this is an orbx issue, or LM - I'll start here. Just completed W7 + P3D4.3 + ORBX reinstall. Everything's run fine for a while...but now a strange issue has cropped up.


When I set up a flight in new scenario then click ok terrain starts loading as usual, and typically takes around 1 minute, 30 secs. At 70% auto-generated scenery starts loading, and now takes for ever! For example, flight set up: Southampton EGHI, Beech Baron G1000, summer, day. Terrain 1 minute 30 secs to load, auto-generated scenery takes another 10 minutes 30 secs to reach 80%, then only another 15 secs to reach 100%. Strange!


I tried loading the P3D default scenario...no problem...50 secs for terrain + 40 secs for auto-generated scenery.


Any thoughts/advice please?



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Hello Don


Lots of different situations will Impact on loading times,  Hardware,  Amount of Scenery,  Ai Add Ons,  High settings and so on.  12 minutes seems long though.


What other Scenery Add Ons do you have Installed (Non Orbx) ?     




Here is a quick test you can try to help narrow down where the long loading times are coming from.


Navigate to the location below and Click and Drag the complete "Prepar3D v4 Add-ons" folder out of this location and pop it onto your Desktop,  This will temporarily disable these Add Ons.


PC ► Documents ► Prepar3D v4 Add-ons


After this step launch Prepar3D and test,   How long now to load Prepar3D ? 


Note: After this test you can simple just delete the new generated folder and then then move back the original one. 

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Hello Elaine


Sorry to jump on this post but I'd like to profit it as I have the same problem. This is my timings


07:32  Clicked on p3d icon

07:36  The automerger configurator window shows up (4 minutes after)

07:37  Main screen opened as well as Nvidia share application icon (for taking pictures and videos)

07:40  I chose the plane, C182 Carenado, Dala airport (new one in Sweden) daytime

07:44  Shows 6% loading terrain data (4 min after)

07:45 20% moving to 24%

07.46 69% loading autogenerated scenery

07:47 80% Adjusting objects, here the scenery shows (at 80%) and I can see how it builds all the metamorphosis, ground, mountains, objects, plane etc, but not finished yet

07:48 86% loading traffic

07:49 100% then all sounds and is there but some textures still are finishing to load such as airstrip, among others and the autogen and trees take a while, sometimes I even have to refresh the scenery for all to load complete, but it also takes a bit to do the reload.


Also, it freezes from time to time and sometimes very often up to 10 seconds to the point I feel it is going to have a CTD but then it continues.  It mainly happens when leaving the ground or approaching or when changing views around the plane.


My scenery library shows 647 lines (add-ons) including all Orbx products.


My system specifications are below my signature.


So it took about 17 min to start, which is very annoying. How can I get rid of that please and make it faster? Sometimes it might last a little fewer others a bit longer, the most it took was 30 minutes once with Barcelona and once with Iceland, or when I try the Netherlands.








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Hello Carlos,

I would think that the combination of your large scenery library and add on software

is the main cause.


My recommendation would be to use a scenery library manager such as the

Scenery Config Editor to split the scenery into much smaller parts, so that you can load

only what you need for a given flight.

If you do this, the Autogen Configuration Manager will only run if you are using the scenery

that requires it.

This version of P3D is apparently very sensitive to the contents of the scenery library, so be

sure that all your scenery library entries are valid and point to existing files.

I would disconnect the Nvidia GeForce Experience from the loading process altogether.



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On 10/2/2018 at 2:02 PM, Elaine Dixon said:

Hello Don


Lots of different situations will Impact on loading times,  Hardware,  Amount of Scenery,  Ai Add Ons,  High settings and so on.  12 minutes seems long though.


What other Scenery Add Ons do you have Installed (Non Orbx) ?     




Here is a quick test you can try to help narrow down where the long loading times are coming from.


Navigate to the location below and Click and Drag the complete "Prepar3D v4 Add-ons" folder out of this location and pop it onto your Desktop,  This will temporarily disable these Add Ons.


PC ► Documents ► Prepar3D v4 Add-ons


After this step launch Prepar3D and test,   How long now to load Prepar3D ? 


Note: After this test you can simple just delete the new generated folder and then then move back the original one. 


Hi Elaine. Thanks for your advice...I tried that, but it made no difference. However, I then discovered that orbx libraries seemed not to be installed...installed them and this seems to have resolved the issue.


Thanks again, Don.

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18 hours ago, carlosqr said:

My scenery library shows 647 lines (add-ons) including all Orbx products.


Hello Carlos


Pretty much what Nick posted.    That's an incredible amount of Scenery you are loading at once.   Yes try a Scenery library manager to help things along.    I don't use them myself so I can't recommend one but there are plenty of reviews and topics about them 


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21 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

Hello Carlos,

I would think that the combination of your large scenery library and add on software

is the main cause.


My recommendation would be to use a scenery library manager such as the

Scenery Config Editor to split the scenery into much smaller parts, so that you can load

only what you need for a given flight.

If you do this, the Autogen Configuration Manager will only run if you are using the scenery

that requires it.

This version of P3D is apparently very sensitive to the contents of the scenery library, so be

sure that all your scenery library entries are valid and point to existing files.

I would disconnect the Nvidia GeForce Experience from the loading process altogether.





Hello Nick

Thank you very much for your valuable assistance.

I'll read about this Scenery Manager and will find out where to get it and how it works.

Very interesting how the autogen configuration managers works with this scenery manager. Maybe now I can install Paris City without messing Orbx

I fear about: "This version of P3D is apparently very sensitive to the contents of the scenery library, so be sure that all your scenery library entries are valid and point to existing files" because I have  several add-ons for FSX and P3D v3 installed that do work on this p3d v4, so I hope it won't cause a mess. Many uses SODE too but not installed correctly so I fixed them manually as I learned how to do it (I was very familiar to use FSX) I still have many more sceneries to test but sometimes the process is very boring.

Anyway, thank you very much indeed for your recommendation, I'll proceed accordingly.





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7 hours ago, Elaine Dixon said:


Hello Carlos


Pretty much what Nick posted.    That's an incredible amount of Scenery you are loading at once.   Yes try a Scenery library manager to help things along.    I don't use them myself so I can't recommend one but there are plenty of reviews and topics about them 



Dear Elaine

Thank you for your reply.

In 2015 I decided to do a world tour so I tried to collect all the airports where I was flying to, I started when I had FS9. Started in Antarctica




Well at least that is what it shows here above bathymetry:




The P3D folder weights 856GB



I'll follow Nick advise.


Thank you very much!



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