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EDDT FTX GEN Lights on Apron


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I have a small issue which annoys me pretty hard at Berlin Tegel:unsure:

I have got some road lights on the Apron which don't go away if you use EDDT Pro by Aerosoft. I am using P3D v4 with GEN and EDDT PRO by Aerosoft 

I can see where these lights are coming from because there is tunnel blow the apron in real life. But on the other end of the runway there are some more which I can't explain to myself. I dont know why its not getting excluded like all other lights on Aprons. I tried to exclude them myself by building my own bgl and stuff but no luck. Since, EDDT is my home airport it would be so so so so so nice to get rid of these light. I hope you guys can help me more then the ones from Aerosoft.

I will attach the link where I explained my problem to aerosft and some photos.




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Hi there,


in the FTX Regions, lights aligned with roads (other than those with the bright orange night underlay) are placed as vector autogen meaning the light effects are directly attached to the road vectors themselves. It's not possible to exclude those lights directly, instead one needs to exclude the road vector with a road exclude polygon (in ADE, tag "Exclude General > Roads"). Normally, that's not desirable because one would lose the road vector during the day as well but in the case of GEN and EDDT that should be OK since the road is covered by the Berlin photoreal files and thus invisible anyway. Still, try to keep the exclude as small as possible -- a tiny poly on the road's center between the runways should do (any exclude polygon will remove the entire vector it touches) -- to avoid excluding other roads and their night lights nearby.


If you continue to have difficulties I can give it a go tomorrow.


Cheers, Holger

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Hi Alex,

These are autogen lights placed directly on the photoreal ground (and semi-automatically equipped with light splashes). Of course, this should not happen on the surface where the road runs through a tunnel.

This is simply a bug that hasn't been noticed before (also the lights on the western part of the airport area). I'm afraid exclude polys will not be of much help on a photoreal so deleting the lights will be the only solution. I've put it on the to-do list for the next update.

I assume that the new EDDT from AS is no longer overwriting/excluding the autogen of the Berlin cityscape? (I don't have it installed)

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Okay thats good to know. So nothing I can do for now? Do I have to wait for a Vector update or can someone make a simple fix for this which will not take that long?

As far as I can remember I had this problem with the AS German airport package as well a long time ago. So nothing has changed since then I guess.

But thanks for your help!

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