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Second monitor


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I have just purchased the Flight Sim Commander program and I am just working my way through it. However apparently it only displays the 'auto-pilot' and map/flight plan screens when in windowed mode (disappointing). So I guess it's time to get a second monitor so I can display this info while in full screen mode on my main monitor.

I am limited for space so what I am looking for is something small and compatible with the main monitor (which is a 24" LCD). I don't own anything useable at the moment, no camera phone, PDA or whatever. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Is there a USB item out there that's custom made for this kind of thing?

The second part of this is how does one use a mouse on both monitors?

I would be much obliged if someone can give me some info, please.


John G

Vista Home Premium 64 SP2

Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 @ 2.4 GHz  2.39 GHz


64 Bit OS

AOC 24" LCD monitor

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Thanks for your reply Penzoil,

However this USB screen...do you use one as a second monitor?

I was wondering if it will actually display a moving map, as opposed to a static display of a map (like a digital photo frame). As it is connected by USB and not the normal video adaptor will I be able to transfer other irems from my main screen, such as the radios and/or the GPS?

John G


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I wouldn't mess about with a USB screen. VGA is an established mainstream technology, VGA over USB is not and in my (limited) experience it is glitchy and unreliable. I will also point out, since nobody has, that a second monitor will not display external programs while running FSX full-screen. If you want to see external programs on the same PC at the same time as FSX you will have to run in Windowed mode.

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I wouldn't mess about with a USB screen. VGA is an established mainstream technology, VGA over USB is not and in my (limited) experience it is glitchy and unreliable. I will also point out, since nobody has, that a second monitor will not display external programs while running FSX full-screen. If you want to see external programs on the same PC at the same time as FSX you will have to run in Windowed mode.

Mark is absolutely correct. I can comment further. I too run FSCommander, and when I first bought it was for similiar reasons. I do not like running FSX in Windowed mode though, so what I do is run FSCommander (as well as Air Hauler, REX, and Radar Contact) from a second PC, networked to my FSX PC. It all works like a dream, not to mention all  those additional programs are NOT running in the background behind FSX. Getting the second PC setup for networking with FSX via SimConnect can be tricky (especially if networking is not your thing) but there you can get it sorted out with patience. Once done, you will love it. Now I know you may not have the funds to build a second PC, and neither did I. So what I did, was use older components and parts that I have lying around. This second PC does not have to be anything special, as you are just using it to run these additional FSX applications, not actually flying on it. So, it can have a less than capable CPU, graphics card and the like.

Definately a more complex approach to achieve what you want, but well worth it in the long one. 

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I have on a few occasions pluged in an 19in LCD with my normal 22 in, open FSC and drag it accross to the second screen,the mouse will use both screens no problem,there are one or two things mentioned in the manual to enable,very easy,and you can fly around with FSX on the main and FSC on the other,it worked fine,all on the one PC,the proceedure is in the early part of the FSC manual,as I recall,keep tinkering,Doc......

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