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Problem on FTX Global / Europe LC texture

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3 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:


the problem with the water will be solved by disabling "frozen water in winter"

in the Vector control panel.

We think that there may be a small problem with the Open LC textures in France.



thank you for considering my request, but I do not have the product "FTX Vector"




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No Envtex doesn't do that, it's just replacing default textures.  Something is messed up in his installation as we can see some night textures showing during day time on the first picture.


However @Nick I discovered some months ago that with P3D v4.2 the frozen water of Vector finally works with P3D ! I didn't check yet with 4.3 though.


EDIT: I can confirm it still works in v4.3, I created a post here as it seems nobody realized it's working again: 


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