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Missing plane pics in menu screen

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I am having problems with Prepar3d with selecting planes in the menu screen. The plane pics are missing. My question is can I delete and reinstall Prepar3D without losing my orbs files s they take a very long time to download. Can I back up my scenery files and then reimport it back into my new reinstall.




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Best bet first up is to click on the Setup_Preap3D.exe file to install and it'll give you the option to repair or uninstall.    Try the repair function it should fix it without affecting any add on files.

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An uninstall of P3D and reinstall leaves add-on files in place, such as ORBX etc.  However many fies such as Controls and scenery.cfg etc are returned to default.


So, before reinstalling, it would be a good idea to replicate what I did below and then you have a bacjkup strategy.



I recently completely wiped my P3DV4.3 install and reinstalled it from the ground up.


I copied the entire P3D folder to another drive.


A also copied the following folders:


C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4

C:\Users\John\AppData\Local\Lockheed Martin


C:\Users\John\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4

C:\Users\John\AppData\Roaming\Orbx systems

C:\Users\John\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons

C:\Users\John\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Files


That gave me all the current set up files.


After installing the new P3DV4.3 and confirming it worked, I set about locating and replacing all the files/folders to bring me back to square one.


The P3D folders that I merged to old ones into included:










*********However in your case... the SimObjects folder needs to be treated with caution as it is there that the thumbnails reside as far as I know.   You may need to reinstall all your aircraft rather than copying from the backup location. *-*************


as well as any files in the previous P3DV4 root directory that were in addition to the default ones .


I then merged all the C:\Users saved folders into the new ones.


When I ran FTXCentral it found all my sceneries and configured the sim.


I still had a few loose ends to tidy up, EZCA, Active Sky, Track IR all benefitted from a reinstall, but all in all it only took about 3 hours to return the sim to its original condition.




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