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YCDR - Another winner but trees shimmer SW of airport


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I just ordered YCDR and I did my normal test flight and I it's another great airport.

I did find one downside. Trees SW of the airport shimmer/sparkle. I'm not sure if a different technique was used, but I've never experienced shimmering trees in Orbx airports.

Otherwise, YCDR is a great airport that belongs in our Orbx world.

Very nice!

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After applying the patch I saw no improvement. Trees still shimmer.

I hope that the team can make changes to the trees SW of the airport. They look horrible.

This airport is so nicely done, but the shimmering trees ruin the area.

Is anyone else having this problem with YCDR?

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After applying the patch I saw no improvement. Trees still shimmer.

I hope that the team can make changes to the trees SW of the airport. They look horrible.

This airport is so nicely done, but the shimmering trees ruin the area.

Is anyone else having this problem with YCDR?

Not I...no shimmering for me at all.

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Sorry to hear of this experience, though I'm glad to hear you like the airstrip. Like Sniper, I have no shimmering trees to the SW of the strip.  If you don't mind being patient, we can see if anyone reports this same issue. If no-one else is experiencing this, other ORBX staff returning from New Year should be able to assist you identify what issue on your machine is causing your problem.



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Thanks for the quick response. As many of you know I love every Orbx airport and I would recommend them to anyone who wants fsx to look the best that it can

YCDR is an amazing aiport. I wish I knew the water settings that jigsaw used for the YCDR video. It looks so realistic!

The trees that shimmer are of a lighter green color to the SW of the airport. They all have that annoying sparkling, shaking, look that I call shimmering.

As you fly toward the mountains, the trees to the right and that entire area suffers from the shimmers. I think that those trees were designed differently, because I have not seen this shimmer in any other airport.

If you need pictures, I can try to upload them.

Thanks again.

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DJ, I've had a good look all around the area you've indentified in your screenshot.  I don't have any issues with threes shimmering there, though the trees are a different scale/type of autogen from those nearby.  I dropped my anti-aliasing settings way back to induce shimmer generally in the sim, and then yes those trees do shimmer slightly more than others.  However, with my AA settings (Combined 8SQ) I have no issues at all.  Perhaps you might see if you can adjust your AA settings.  Otherwise we really need to see if anyone else experiences the issue.



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Using nhancer and 8xs I get shimmers. Only those trees experience the issue. I can try your settings (8sq) but I really like 8xs.

It could be that this airport is too detailed for my specs. FPS drop to the 20s. Although I do see high 30's too.

The slow down causes these shimmers as well as popping buildings. This is not an issue with other airports.

I need to check the recommended texture max load setting to see if it helps.

Thanks again.


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Using nhancer and 8xs I get shimmers. Only those trees experience the issue. I can try your settings (8sq) but I really like 8xs.

It could be that this airport is too detailed for my specs. FPS drop to the 20s. Although I do see high 30's too.

The slow down causes these shimmers as well as popping buildings. This is not an issue with other airports.

I need to check the recommended texture max load setting to see if it helps.

Thanks again.


Jose, I am running an i7 975 with a GTX 260 and I do not get any performance problems at YCDR, and that includes ZERO shimmering trees. BTW, my AA is o 8xSQ also. I think your PC should be able to handle this airport fine.

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