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ESSA Ground texture problem


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I have recently installed ESSA the same way as I have been installing all my ORBX add-ons for the past year. For ESSA all the buildings are showing correctly but with missing ground textures. All my ORBX add-ons are installed in the correct order in my scenery library and with ObjectFlow enabled both in FTX Central and within the sim. I am a bit lost for answers and ideas but from having  a quick search throughout the forum it appears I am not the only one with this problem for ESSA. I have tried reinstalling it several times with no success.


I have attached some screenshots to show this is a problem no matter the 'season' selected. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Many thanks in advance,



Screenshot (5).png

Screenshot (6).png

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welcome to the forums.


The ground textures require objectflow to be installed and working.

There are two tick boxes, one on the FTX Central settings page and

one in the in-game drop down Add-ons menu, both must be ticked.


Here are two images that show the difference.






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Hi Doug, many thanks for your reply. 


I am indeed using v4.2.


I went to re-download FTX central yesterday but it appears I am stuck in v3.2.3.0 instead of the new v3.2.5.4 that you have linked above ^. Should I opt-in to Fastlane and download the latest FTX Central that way? I am concerned this could make my sim unstable however.. 

Would I have to re-install everything too if I were to do this?


Kind regards,



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Hi Aaron


No, there would be no need for any reinstalls and you can opt out of Fastlane at any time as it is a beta. Objectflow 2 will not work in v4.2 without the new version Libraries.


So you can either wait for the non beta release of the Orbx Libraries and do without Objectflow, or opt in with almost zero risk.





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it's unlikely that will make any difference.

Can you post the contents of your 

C:\Users\your name\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\Orbx ObjectFlow 2\add-on.xml

file and also the exact path on your PC to 

C:\Users\your name\AppData\Local\Orbx\FTXCentral\v3.2.5.4\Orbx_ObjectFlow_x64.dll


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2 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:


it's unlikely that will make any difference.

Can you post the contents of your 

C:\Users\your name\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\Orbx ObjectFlow 2\add-on.xml

file and also the exact path on your PC to 

C:\Users\your name\AppData\Local\Orbx\FTXCentral\v3.2.5.4\Orbx_ObjectFlow_x64.dll



<SimBase.Document Type="AddOnXml" version="4,0" id="add-on">
    <AddOn.Name>Orbx ObjectFlow 2</AddOn.Name>
    <AddOn.Description>Allows Orbx scenery to display dynamic content.</AddOn.Description>


I hope thats what you meant. If not, correct me.

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  • 2 weeks later...


there aren't many reasons why objectflow does not work.

There is no universal "fix" as there is no universal problem.


1. It is not installed correctly.

P3D v4

2. It is installed but the option to enable it is not ticked, in either FTX Central or P3D v4 or both.

3. The path in the C:\Users\Your name\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\Orbx ObjectFlow 2\add-ons.xml file is not correct.

This can be only one character, sometimes the incorrect spelling of the user name.

4. User input that has disturbed the files or the content of the files.

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