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Hi. This is mainly a question for Mr John Venama or any Orbx staff. My main flight simulator is P3Dv4 but I do use Xplane now and again and just had a quick flight this morning and noticed how bad some of the local Airports are, in England and America. A lot of them are just the runway and nothing else. Don’t get me wrong there are some fantastic large airports out there for the sim and a lot of people are producing some good products but I thought what an opportunity for Orbx to plug a gap and make some money, which is the name of the game and produce some fantastic local airports for Xplane like they do for FSX or P3D. Hope this doesn’t get deleted as would like see the views of others and it was just a thought as long as it doesn’t go down the road of this sim is better than that one, which I do not want. Plus I know about the photo scenery Orbx are going to produce. I was thinking quicker to produce an airport than an entire area or perhaps I’m wrong. Derek.

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I am very sure they would if it was possible.  It takes the developer a long time to do an excellent and exact job (and that's what the customers and Orbx demand, and why they are number one company one on the planet).  All this takes personnel,  top personnel to put out a quality product.


I do, however, know what you are feeling.  I know I have wished the same particularly earlier on, it will come, it is all called patience.  


Have you bought LOWI Innsbruck? Really beautiful product amongst others.  Of course, you could always join the ad further down this forum re 'testers required'.  Now, this would help.




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I am not sure whether Orbx does just scenery or just airfields and in any case they are not limited in what they can produce for the sim world. My main concern is whether or not a company such as orbx can be all things to all flightsim platforms...that would be a lot of work and very expensive. 

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11 hours ago, JimNZ said:


I am very sure they would if it was possible.  It takes the developer a long time to do an excellent and exact job (and that's what the customers and Orbx demand, and why they are number one company one on the planet).  All this takes personnel,  top personnel to put out a quality product.


I do, however, know what you are feeling.  I know I have wished the same particularly earlier on, it will come, it is all called patience.  


Have you bought LOWI Innsbruck? Really beautiful product amongst others.  Of course, you could always join the ad further down this forum re 'testers required'.  Now, this would help.




Hi Jim. Yes I know LOWI is a fantastic Airport but don’t think they do that for Xplane yet do they and it was Xplane I was on about. I just thought that there was a golden opportunity for Orbx to get into doing Xplane stuff and I know they are going to do a Photoreal Scenery for Xplane and understand that they are waiting to see how that goes. Suppose I was getting a bit impatient for things for Xplane. Trouble is and I’m not nocking it, there are more flightsims coming out than ever before and for some of us we can not use them all, all though I do own them all but only have two on my comp at the moment. As for testers I don’t think I’m qualified enough to do that sort of thing. Derek.

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16 hours ago, uncle_adolph said:


Have you checked out the freeware which is available?

Yes I have checked out the freeware and it is great but it is mainly the larger Airports, though there a few smaller ones now getting produced like Sedona. Plus I know there are smaller Airports available but a lot of them are pretty basic. Perhaps it’s because I’ve only recently been flying Xplane as I hated when it first started but now I’m getting more used to it. Derek.

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Greetings Derek.


Oh yes, I agree.  The amount of Flt Sims on the market is more than I personally have ever seen before.  I'm fairly sure Orbx are involved in XPlane as well.


Being a pensioner like many others, there is no way I can get involved in them all.  FSX is still my base Sim but this is going to change for me very soon as I really do like IPACs Aerofly FS2, I only have Orbx scenery, nothing else because their standard is so high. That's why it is a little slow being available, but this I prefer.


I fly for the scenery, hence GA.  I do like to add a bit of navigation too that requires my input, not when it's done for you by the product.  Cold start is a favourite of mine as well.


Again I agree with you.  Hunting down airstrips and very small airports requires a bit of work, so there's a feeling of accomplishment when you finally find the strip and end it with a good landing.


All the best Derek, I hope too, these little airports are done up a little more, at the moment one has to use his imagination.

Good luck.


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