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P3Dv4.1 Reinstall


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I have P3Dv4.1 installed and something has buggered my install so that I can no longer see pop-up menus (ATC, GSX, etc). I t is suspected that one of my add-ons has changed the encoding of a cfg file (or possibly an illegal xml file) somewhere. The current advice is to do a reinstall of P3D.


Obviously, I have a number of Orbx products installed (all up to date) and would like to make this process as easy as possible. My C: is a 1TB SSD so I have used a Symbolic Link to "move" the Orbx files to my 4TB HDD. This is working well and I have had no problems. My thought is that I can remove the Symbolic Link (leaving all the up to date Orbx files where they are) and follow the instructions provided here (I am thinking I will try the procedure for restoring P3D to its default state as shown towards the bottom of the page first - yes I am lazy;)).


Once this is done I am wondering if I can simply recreate the Symbolic Link and run FTX Central? It would detect all the files so they wouldn't need to be downloaded (greatly speeding up the reinstall process) but, hopefully, it would recreate all the scenery.cfg entries as required.


Is this a feasible plan or is my luck (as always) not so good:rolleyes:


On a slightly separate, but still related, note, will Orbx move to the LM recommended xml add-on files and giving the option to install outside the P3D folders without using Symbolic Links?

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Sorry, I have no idea if it would be feasible or not without trying it. Seems there would be a bit more to it than a simple yes or no....why not just start fresh and save yourself banging your head against the wall for hours and days anyway?





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Hi Doug,

The reason for asking is because creating a Symbolic Link has moved all the data off onto a different physical drive so this would still all be intact after an uninstall of P3Dv4.1. It also seems to be supported by Orbx as it was Nick Cooper's instructions that I followed. It therefore stands to reason that Orbx have tested this situation BEFORE advising people to use Symbolic Links.


The other reason is that even with a 100Mbit Fibre internet connection (1Gbit internal network) FTX Central is sooooo slow and that it also will not support more than six products in the queue that it took me nearly two FULL days to download all my products! So trying to get a simple Yes/No would save me a LOT of time.


Sorry if this sounds like I'm having a go at you, rest assured I'm definitely NOT. What I am frustrated about is a company who has been more than happy to take my money (and lots of it!) and the CEO banging on the other day about the growth of the company AND revenue CANNOT reply to their Support Forum in any sort of reasonable time frame.





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Just a couple of thoughts Harry. Sometimes there just isn't a simple yes-or-no-answer as the folks here have no way to know all the variables involved in someone else's installation. I see no reason why just reestablishing the symbolic link wouldn't work. Why not go ahead and try it? If it works you're good-to-go. If it doesn't work you still have all the files available and you can go a different route..........The Other Doug

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Hello Harry


If your main Issue are the Add On Menus have you tried the steps in the Topic below ? 


Removing \ Deleting the 2 exe.xml files and the 2 dll.xml file from the different locations outlined below.   If duplicate or corrupt entries are trying to launch from both of these files this will present an Issue



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