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KSDF and terrain issue

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Hi there,


I haven't posted on FsDreamteam Forums (yet), since they already have a thread with this issue and you may check it out and decide for yourself how helpful the suggested solution was. Anyway I will however post a thread there and request they do a screenshot of the same location to see how they intended it to appear. Would appreciate if anyone hear could tell me (with or without screenshot) how the scenery appears for them and what other 3rd party Add-Ons are used within that area. Anyway I will show you a screenshot of an elevation issue I just can't get rid of. What have I tried?

KSDF is not part of the AEC (and it's not really an AEC kind of issue)

AFM for FSGlobal 2018? No (Even using it for the nearby KLOU didn't help.... it did however correct the slopes that were present at KLOU)

Deactivating all Vector entries in the Scenery library? No

Deactivating all OpenLC NA entries in the Scenery library? No

Deactivating ABP_KSDF.bgl within Vector? No

Deactivating FSGlobal 2018 for NA? No

I haven't tried a combination of the above mentioned yet, but I couldn't see what difference that should make as it should usually be one *.bgl file.

The only thing that changed the elevation information was a CVX file from KSDF itself, but caused some other unwanted results.

Perhaps you have some ideas or some hidden files I am unaware of that I could try deactivating. much appreciated






PS: I use FTX Global + Vector, OpenLC NA, FSGlobal 2018 and there never was any other KSDF scenery installed



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Hi Amadeo


Please review and apply the below process....I do not have any FSDT products, but the below is a basic configuration to work with.


Ensure the Orbx Libs are installed and up to date. (is there a blue notification above the settings button in FTXC3?)

Ensure all of your 3rd party addons are at the top of your scenery library and above your FTX entries.

Then in FTX Central 3 Insertion points, move "FTX entries should be inserted below"  just below your last 3rd party addon.

Then move the "openLC entries should be inserted below"  just below your FTX entries. and click "Save".





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1 hour ago, Doug Sawatzky said:

Hi Amadeo


Please review and apply the below process....I do not have any FSDT products, but the below is a basic configuration to work with.


Ensure the Orbx Libs are installed and up to date. (is there a blue notification above the settings button in FTXC3?)

Ensure all of your 3rd party addons are at the top of your scenery library and above your FTX entries.

Then in FTX Central 3 Insertion points, move "FTX entries should be inserted below"  just below your last 3rd party addon.

Then move the "openLC entries should be inserted below"  just below your FTX entries. and click "Save".






Exactly how I have it. What about Vector and FSGlobal 2018?? Right now I got all FSGlobal entries right below all (except AEC) Vector entries. Might it help putting FSGlobal above?

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3rd Party Scenery (Any scenery you wish to display above Orbx FTX scenery)

OZX Scenery (Freeware designed to fit with FTX Regional software)

FTX Full Regional Scenery & Airports

Tongass Fjords (Fills the gap between Southern Alaska and Pacific Fjords Regions)

FTX OpenLC Scenery

Named Default Scenery Entries

FSGlobal 2010 Entries

FTX Global Vector Entries (OBJ, APT, CVX, EXX)

Numbered Default Scenery Entries

FTX Global Vector Entry (AEC)

"Default Scenery"

"Default Terrain”

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I have FSDT's KSDF installed, and for the life of me, I can't find where your screenshot was taken--the coordinates are not clear in your shot.  And I don't see the anomaly you are seeing, either.  And for what it's worth, it doesn't make any difference what the relative positions of FSGlobal and Vector are.  I will say that this appears to be possibly a mesh problem, which is conflicting with FSDT's mesh, but can't say for sure.  I'm using and have from the beginning used FS Global Ultimate and almost never have a mesh conflict with Orbx products or any other 3rd party's scenery.  If you can note the coordinates of your screenshot, I will try to go there and duplicate the scene.

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At the right of the screenshot you can see the runway turn-around point as seen in the map-photo that was posted. So yes it's north of the airport. I will post another shot showing what I am dealing with. It looks like texture are not displaying correctly. At the point where you can see through I guess there are supposed to be textures. And I am guessing that might be the case in the first shot. That a larger texture set was supposed to be rendered above that sudden elevation rise. The western "ramp" of that west-eastern highway that is shown in the first photo is floating (not connecting with the terrain), which also indicates either an elevation problem or missing texture that should go further. What I did in the meantime is move my FSGlobal entries above my Vector entries as suggested by Doug. Unfortunately no luck there. I will attempt another re-install of KSDF. But thanks anyways for trying to help me out there. But if possible I would like to now what KSDF is supposed to look like where I have said problems.



EDIT: I forgot to mention that when I updated to P3D 4.1 I just updated client and content. Not scenery. You think that might have some significance in this matter?

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The scenery update would be for P3D's default scenery and probably wouldn't have to do with FSDT's stuff.  Which runway is that, please, and I'll try to duplicate your screenshot--coordinates would really help.  Overall, however, I didn't see any problems last night when I loaded up the airport.


Edit to add:  I also note at the FSDT forum for KSDF, there is mention of a possible mesh problem using FS Global Ultimate NG and the developer's response.

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It's runway 17R. I will look up the exact coordinates when I get home. I am using FSGlobal 2018 (FTX). But it's hard to imagine FSGlobal 2018 being the cause as when I deactivate it, the problem still remains. I am running out of ideas here. FSGlobal 2018 is the only 3rd party mesh I use in this area.

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Amadeo,  I've found the location off runway 17R and see the same problem(s) you have described.  There is clearly a conflict between the airport overlay and the surrounding area, although the airport itself looks very good.  It's that area just north of 17R that looks pretty awful.


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