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Mesh problems in New Zealand


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Maybe it's my over eagerness or maybe I just overspend on the SALE :)  but I'm running into all sorts of mesh problems in New Zealand. I've uninstalled and reinstalled North and South Island and still the airports are either in potholes or surrounded by heaps of elevated ground and grass floating in the air. I've tried from 1m - 19m mesh and although the heaps get lower they are still there and when you land you sink through one runway into the next.

In VECTOR neither NZMF or NZQN are listed to exclude. I don't have any problem with other areas (Norway, UK, PNW, etc etc) only in New Zealand. Very strange. Maybe I'm doing something wrong somewhere but the installation and migration all went without any hiccups and I assume FTX Central has all the files in the correct order because, as I said, all other areas seem to be correct and no elevation problems so far.




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@Nick Cooper  --  yes yes yes .... I found the culprit. I've now carefully monitored all files as they got installed and when you reinstall NZQN it writes a file to SCENERY/WORLD called ADE_FTX_NZSI_NZQN_elevation_adjustment.BGL that is newer than the one that was installed. Probably by another airport in NZ.

Problem fixed for all airports in NZ.

Thank you for making me do it again :)

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@ZK-OKQ - the sequence was:

  1. Made a backup of SCENERY/WORLD folder
  2. Uninstalled everything related to NZ even the two Godzone airports
  3. Installed NZNI and NZSI and compared with [1]
  4. Installed NZWR and compared with [1]; installed NZMF and compared to [1]; installed NZQN and when I compared to [1] the above mentioned file was a newer date then previous
  5. Installed NZDN and NZNS and disabled them in FTX NZSI Scenery folder
  6. Did a MIGRATION
  7. Then VECTOR

And voila, it works!

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17 minutes ago, Terblanche said:

@ZK-OKQ - the sequence was:

  1. Made a backup of SCENERY/WORLD folder
  2. Uninstalled everything related to NZ even the two Godzone airports
  3. Installed NZNI and NZSI and compared with [1]
  4. Installed NZWR and compared with [1]; installed NZMF and compared to [1]; installed NZQN and when I compared to [1] the above mentioned file was a newer date then previous
  5. Installed NZDN and NZNS and disabled them in FTX NZSI Scenery folder
  6. Did a MIGRATION
  7. Then VECTOR

And voila, it works!

Your a champ, thank you. Been pulling my hair out. First time I have ever struck this. Will try your method tomorrow night after work, and will let you know how it goes. Thanks again @Terblanche

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  • 2 months later...

Hello Terblanche.

Did you mix your scenery/airports eg Did you buy Orbx NI and SI and the two others they presented then add non Orbx Airports (it's just that I notice NZDN and NZNS)  Its just that I only ever purchase anything made by Orbx. Nothing else period.


It's just a HU for myself that's all.  I hope you don't mind answering this for me.




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1 hour ago, JimNZ said:

Did you mix your scenery/airports eg Did you buy Orbx NI and SI and the two others they presented then add non Orbx Airports (it's just that I notice NZDN and NZNS)  Its just that I only ever purchase anything made by Orbx. Nothing else period.


Yip ... I bought the other two airports too and they work well with ORBX. Had a bit of a problem with the Mesh but that was an ORBX problem and now all is fixed.

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  • 5 months later...

Hi team,


I just installed NZSI and am encountering elevation issues at NZNS by Godzone.
I checked the NZSI documentation, and nothing mentions any FAQ on this. And the ORBX forum has compatibility listed for the Godzone airports.
I have made no modifications to these products, and can confirm NZNS worked 100% before the ORBX installation.


Any help appreciated.




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you are adding another airport and so you will now have two in the same place.

You will need to find and disable the Orbx files that you just added to the Godzone


There is one in scenery\world\scenery, ADE_FTX_NZSI_NZNS_elevation_adjustment.bgl

which is probably causing what you show and there are several in ORBX\FTX_NZ\FTX_NZSI_05_SCENERY.



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Yes, this is always going to be a problem installing FTX NZ after any Godzone scenery, as the Godzone installer does all the tidy-up work on installation.

Provided you have the latest Real NZ Nelson installer (1.41) you should be able to simply rerun the installer and it will take care of everything for you. Otherwise it does mean going through and disabling (by changing the extension from .bgl to .bak) all the FTX files which include 'NZNS' in the filename, including the elevation stub in Scenery\World\Scenery.

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Oh right, so the Godzone installer has a contingency for exactly this situation?
Maybe I need to uninstall ALL my sceneries from NZ and AU, then install FTX, then install the sceneries again?


Nick, you're right. I saw duplicate buildings at NZNS which didn't match up. I always thought having FTX NZS below my Godzone NZNS would allow the airport addon to override the FTX addon.


Thanks, will give it a shot.

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