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$100 Hamburger Flight V2

John Dow

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The previous version of this video had scenery conflicts between the iBlueYonder 2B2 Plum Island and the version included in ORBX Global Freeware Airports.  So I fixed the problem and recreated the $100 hamburger flight between 6B6 Minute man and 2B2 Plum Island.  You'll note how well the OpenLC North America fills the trip between the two airports.


As for the scenery conflict, set the insertion point for ORBX sceneries below the Plum Island - Minute Man entry using FTXC3.  That should resolve any conflicts.



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16 hours ago, briansommers said:

so I take it that SODE installs ok on your computer? 

I would love to fly this scenery but can't the above to install, a real bummer.


No problems. I wonder if it's a permissions issue in the drive or folder where it's supposd to go? I'm running Windows 7 still, would that make a difference?



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14 hours ago, whitehaven said:

 John, lovely little video and commentary.


ATB, Dave


Thanks.  FYI this video also has minor conflicts at Plum Island including peopleflow etc.  It was made before I reset my insertion point in FTXC3 and was relying on disabling the 2B2 files in the ORBX folder.  So... when and if you do land at this airport, you'll see an even better scenery than  depicted (assuming your scenery order is correct of course).

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