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Trees all over (globally) and other severe problems after ESSA & FTX Global Base & Open LC Europe updates


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Running the update for version 1.20 of Arlanda Airport via FTX Central seems to have severely messed up my entire simulator (FSX with SP2). At ESSA, terminal buildings are floating above the ground, and so is my airplane when I taxi around ESSA. It seems to be several metres above ground. When I taxi near or on one of the runways, there seems to be an additional layer of default textures above the runway or taxiway. There is even a small hill on runway 01R/19L, roughly in the touchdown zone of runway 01R. I can provide screenshots if needed, just wanted to keep this post as compact as possible for a start.


What is even worse is that all around the world in my FSX, autogen placement seems to be severely messed up now. Trees show up on taxiways and runways (even on default airports) or airports even vanish completely below city textures. Even rivers and streets seem to have gone. This problem also persists after updating FTX Global BASE to version 1.41 and FTX Open LC Europe to version 1.31. Orbx Libraries are up to date as well. FTX entries are inserted correctly in my scenery library: Above the default entries and below all other third-party add-on entries. Even if I de-activate all FTX entries, I have trees and then even houses all over runways, taxiways and so on.


My FSX ran fine one-and-a-half weeks ago and the only updates I ran since were the ESSA/FTX Global/FTX Open LC Europe updates. So I guess there must be some connection. Can anyone help? Is there any chance to re-install the previous versions of the three add-ons via FTX Central?

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Thanks @Doug Sawatzky. Yes, I am. I am always keeping FTX Central and my Orbx products up to date. I wish I wouldn't have done it in ESSA's case, though. ;)


I also have one question: Does the 1.41 version of FTX Global BASE and/or the 1.31 version of Open LC Europe insert any kind of P3D code into the system? I'm asking because after I ran those two updates last night (I ran the ESSA update already a few days ago) I now get an error message everytime I start FSX, saying that FS Recorder has to be shut down due to conflicts. I know that FS Recorder is only compatible with FSX and not available (yet?) for P3D. So this makes me suspicious whether anything in my system now pretends that I have P3D installed although that is not true.


And that also leads me to the question whether the aforementioned versions of BASE and OpenLC Europe are usable for FSX at all. I ask because I only read after running the updates on this forum that FSX users can actually skip those updates and switch the update notifications for that version off.

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Just one more add: It seems as if almost all water has gone from my FSX - this is how the island of Oahu currently looks like. It's surrounded by desert and narrow girdles of meadows and water: http://de.tinypic.com/r/2dmgrd/9


So not only rivers and roads seem to have vanished but also most parts of the sea. It also seems as if default or FTX Global textures bleed through where they shouldn't be seen.

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Welcome to the forum(s). Doug is far more qualified to solve your problem than I am but I just wanted to say that I have these updates for ESSA, Global Base, and LC Europe in my FSX installation and everything looks fine. I know it doesn't help to fix your issues but I see no compatibility problems with these updates and FSX.........The Other Doug

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Though I regret that it has happened, there is nothing in these updates to cause what you have experienced.

Your topic is, I believe, the first to allege such damage and you are surely not the first to make these updates.


Please first check your FSX scenery library.

Use the FTX Central Insertion Point tool to place the FTX icon below any other addon scenery, or at the top of the

library if there are none, then place the OLC icon below it and click on Save.


If this doesn't work, please try re installing.

Do this by visiting the ORBX\User documents\Versions folder and delete the text file for each of the products you named.

They have names that will allow you to choose the right ones.

Then select the Install product option for each one.


If that doesn't work, try the terrain.cfg fix in this topic.



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Thank you very much for the advice, @Nick Cooper and for the moral support, @Triplane! The terrain.cfg fix did the trick! All trees are now back where they belong, ESSA looks proper again and so does Oahu and the sea around it. ;)


But still, I guess it's worth to investigate whether the update of ESSA or the other FTX products can corrupt the terrain.cfg file in some cases. Maybe I did too many uninstalls and re-installs of ESSA in order to make it finally work, so I corrupted the file myself. Or something else did it. I say that because I don't seem to be the only user who encountered those problems. Another user reported trees in the middle of big cities or houses in the middle of forests or lakes after he installed the FTX Global update. He wrote that below the article about the ESSA update which was published on simflight.de (so the link is in German, I refer to the user "Hansi Hausstein"): http://www.simflight.de/2017/09/18/orbx-veroeffentlicht-stockholm-patch/#more-67489 I will get back to him and tell him that it could be a terrain.cfg issue and he should follow your and Holger Sandmann's advice as well.


In any case, I'm very much relieved that my FSX is fixed again. So thank you again very much for your help!

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