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Mid Air Crash with LC South America


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I had never had this happen before I installed LC South America.

I recently was flying a 8 hours flight from MYNN to SCEL in the iFly 747-400 V2 aircraft. I do have LC South America activated.

About 100 NM north of SCEL (Santiago) at 32000 my aircraft suddenly crashed. It was not a collision with another aircraft. I have that disabled. 7 1/2 hours of flying (on a hoplist) gone.
Today Saturday the 23 of September, I tried to make a flight out of SCEL using the same aircraft and also trying two other aircraft from different developers. While taking off and attaining a altitude of approximately 18000 ft., all aircraft are crashing in mid-air.

I have not yet tried this in different countries of South America but I am requesting assistance on this matter.

Something wrong or overlooked in the LC?

And I also notice that SCEL is not in the list of airports for FTX Global Vector. Related?

Thank you.


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NOT a Crash to Desktop.   A crash like the aircraft ran into something like terrain or another aircraft.  It can't be another aircraft because I have that setting disabled.


So I figure it is terrain (hidden) of somekind. As I mentioned, it did not happen before I installed LC South America.


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I don't understand your post.  To completely disable crashes masks to problem with the terrain.  This is not an on going problem. This problem only started after installing LC South America. Therefore, it would be to the benefit of the developers to study this problem for a fix.


I think that is the purpose of the forum in the first place.  A person has a problem, he posts it. If someone can give him a fix immediately then thats good. But if not it needs to be reviewed by the developers or publishers to determine 1. Is this a one time, one user problem? 2. Is it a problem all users or a majority of users are experiencing?  3. If yes to #1 then give basic assistance. 4. If yes to #2, then determine cause and provide fix to all users.


Additionally;  I remember some years back when FSX first came out.  The entire area around Cape Canaveral (KXMR).  There was an addon scenery called Space Shuttle something.  What was happening was anytime at any altitude a crash would occur while flying over the area (to include Coco Beach).  The end result was the developer found the problem (which they explained and I don't remember except it had to do with the layers of terrain, mesh or what ever) and provided a fix.


Since we are dealing with Santiago, Chile here, and it is known to be in an area where elevation can quickly rise up to 20000 ft. I would suggest it is something that needs to be looked into.






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  • 9 months later...
Hello, I have also installed the same as Badapple with the same result. When flying from SCEL north or south, the plane collides with "something" invisible, obviously if I eliminate the collision it works but that is not the way out. In that area I do not have any other scenario installed and before installing the ORBX products everything worked fine.

In case you know of any solution I would appreciate it if you can tell me.

Pd: sorry for my english Google
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  • 5 months later...

Also experiencing this same issue.


I was having some issues in the past when departing SCEL. I recently reformatted the PC, so decided to test it again hoping it would be resolved - still the same issue.


To reproduce: Take off from runway 17 at SCEL. Approximately 1 minute after takeoff turn to a heading of 265 and climb to FL100. A few minutes later flight sim will register a crash with terrain, yet there is nothing visible.


I disabled ORBX!OPENLC_SAMERICA1 and   ORBX!OPENLC_SAMERICA2, followed the same departure twice with no issue. Re-enabled those two scenery layers - crashed yet again.


Crashes occurred at S33 29'49" W 070 52'49" and S33 30'06" W071 04'26"


Sorry, but disabling crash detection is not an option - it spoils the realism of the simulator. This doesnt happen with any other scenery area, so is clearly an issue with OrbX area around Santiago. Either fix or refund for the purchase please, as it is useless without the ability to fly out of Santiago (and who knows what other issues in the South America region).


Simulator is:

Prepar3d v3.4.9


With the following OrbX installed:

Global BASE

Global Vector

Trees HD

openLC South America

openLC Mesh South America


Latest libraries.


No other addon scenery is installed for this area (Just UK2000 Belfast and Prestwick)


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Crash detection was a flawed feature of the core simulator and conceived before the evolution of 3rd party addons started becoming popular. Developers have always done their best to accommodate it, but there are many instances where it is not possible with the ever more complex addons being developed (hence the few that are encountered) so it is probably not economically feasible for them to waste their precious creative time trying to fully accommodate a very unpopular broken feature.


 I believe that most flight simmers would never tolerate a flawed crash detection feature that would shut down their experience without their consent, they know when they have crashed. I also believe that if the ability to turn it off did not exist, the flight simming business would also not exist. :)


 So, I guess another way to see the reality of it is that some modern addons are simply not going to be fully compatible with ancient features.

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