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Activating Vector in the Scenery CFG Crashes the Game


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Just want some advice. Yesterday my P3Dv3.4 ceased to load beyond an opening scenario appearing. As soon as any key was touched or the mouse moved across the sceen the game would crash.

Bit of investigation and I could start and run the game with a clean scenery.cfg  So I then start adding scenery one at a time and seeing if the game loads and runs. As soon as the Vector entries were ticked the game would cease to run. Untick the vector entries and all is well again. Something obviously doesn't get along with something else here..

Can vector be 'repaired' or would removal and a clean install be best?



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Well done and thank you Doug, for linking my problem to the Windows Update. I have uninstalled this update and reactivated my Vector library entries and everything seems to be back to normal.
What do we do about this? Would LM have reported this to Microsoft?
I'll be following the relevent forum posts on this. Be nice to have some answers.


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Good to hear all is working again for you. I am not impressed with MS and Win10 either, I use O&O SU10 and Spybot Antibeacon to keep Win10 at bay, I had just recently turned on the allow updates to do a round and must have got it locked down just before this latest update came out. 





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