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FTX KSAN Control panel SCA vs OpenLC options?

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I had a question about the KSAN control panel.. when i first opened it.. neither option (select this if using southern california or select this if using ftx global or openlc) was selected..


Which of these should be used? IE: i have all 3.. there is no joint option.. just to test i compared each setting for a given shot.. i noticed the openlc gives more details, but at a cost of about 5 fps on my 4k display, which is fine given the detail level.


Is openlc the correct choice here (unless frames are desired), despite having southern california?


Thanks in advance

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46 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:


If you have SCA installed, select the top option.

If you do not, select the bottom option.

Ok thanks, it just seemed to me there was a bit more detail with the OpenLC option selected.. what does choosing the top one do exactly.. just prioritize sca landclass over the other?  Curious

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