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LOWI P3Dv4 Terrible performance

Ricardo Cirilo

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Hi. I have purchase the LOWI scenery but i'm having terrible performance. It's the only scenery with terrible performance. I have done a lot of testing but the result it's always the same and with dynamic lights i have 1fps..no way....I have a very good machine..so what could be the problem?


Help would be appreciated


Transaction ID: 585355beef0ae

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Welcome to the forum.


I found something similar in testing. 

I was advised to turn off traffic and that the default P3D AI aircraft are

very poor performers with Dynamic lighting on.


Please turn traffic down to zero and take another look around. 

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I have done the following test


By day the scenery Works very well, i'm getting with PMDG in vcockpit about 48/50fps, outside getting arround 95/100fps


By night with dynamic lights getting in vcokpit 1/2 FPS, outside 5/6 fps


By night with legacy lights getting 3/4 in cockpit and outside 10/11fps.


There is something in the scenery that is making me having this issue by night...

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G'day Ricardo,


This is highly unusual, we'll figure out what the cause is :) I suspect either a) something has gone wrong in your installation or b ) you have a non-ORBX product interfering. 


First up, for the following tests could you use a simple default aircraft, I recommend the Beech Baron or Piper Cub. This will ensure the problem isn't related to your addon aircraft (NGX etc). Also run tests with clear weather to ensure problems aren't being introduced with addon weather engines etc.


1. Do you have any other ORBX Payware airports installed? If so, could you please load up the baron or cub and run the following tests at both airports, reporting average FPS in each scenario: a) daytime runway, clear weather b ) night time runway, clear weather, dynamic lighting disabled. This will be done as a comparison test, so if you have any airports of similar size (Dubrovnik, Southampton, KPSP/KEGE/YBRM/KMRY/KRDD/KSAN etc) this will be helpful. 

2. To further embellish on the AA settings - if you are using SSAA settings in P3D, could you please test at night with MMAA enabled instead? 

3. Could you please post a couple of screenshots of what you see at LOWI. A couple of shots from the apron at day/night, and a couple of airport overview shots will be helpful. 

4. Just checking that you have your ORBXlibs installed and up-to-date? 

5. If none of these provide any clues, could you please list any products that may also be displaying in the general LOWI area. AI packages, terrain addons (Austria Pro HD west etc), addon mesh, other versions of LOWI (Justsim etc). 




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G'day Ricardo, disabling the OF2 also removes a great deal of other important content at the airport, so this doesn't solve the issue for you, it just gives us a clue. 


I'd again recommend running through the points 1 thru 4 I made in my last post, and let us know the results. If you can't isolate the issue with these suggestions, I'd next recommend running an isolation test to see if you can work out which specific files are the cause: 


1. Go to your ORBX/FTX_EU/FTX_AA_LOWI/scenery folder

2. Create a new temporary hold folder 

3. Drop 50% of the all the files in your FTX_AA_LOWI/scenery folder (bgl, xml and .OFF types) into the temp hold holder, run the test. Add or remove more files to the temp folder depending on whether the problem file is active or not. Narrow down which bgl/xml file(s) are the problem.

4. You will need to restart P3D each time you do this test. The reason being that our ObjectFlow content will stay active even if the FTX_AA_LOWI folder is temporarily disabled in your scenery library (the same reason you saw ORBX lights/windsocks/vegetation when you loaded up Justsim LOWI) - this may potential cause false positive results. 


Disabling some of the bgl/xml files will give very obvious and major visual problems, but that's fine for the purposes of this performance test.


Let me know how you go. 




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G'day Ricardo, could you please disable all autogen via your P3D sliders - does this fix the issue? If yes, then does incrementally increasing the autogen density gradually reduce performance, or is there a particularly setting where a major hit/FPS-loss occurs? 



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The testing give me the following results ( Scenery Complexity is Very Dense)


Autogen draw distance : Low

Autogen vegetation density : None

Autogen vegetation density : None


Result : PMDG 737 vcockpit : 80/90FPS Night - 120/130 FPS Day


Autogen draw distance : Medium

Autogen vegetation density : Sparse

Autogen vegetation density : Sparse


Result : PMDG 737 vcockpit : 40/50FPS Night - 110/120 FPS Day


Autogen draw distance : High

Autogen vegetation density : Normal

Autogen vegetation density : Normal


Result : PMDG 737 vcockpit : 35/39FPS Night - 60/70 FPS Day


Autogen draw distance : Very High

Autogen vegetation density : Dense

Autogen vegetation density : Dense


Result : PMDG 737 vcockpit : 15/19 FPS Night - 50/55 FPS Day


This one is my default and get very good performance at all my airports, including KJFK 

Autogen draw distance : Very high

Autogen vegetation density : Very Dense

Autogen vegetation density : Very Dense


Result : PMDG 737 vcockpit : 1/5 FPS Night - 48/50 FPS Day



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Thanks for that info Ricardo. Going back to my original suggestions, could you now please try: 


(all with your personally preferred autogen settings)

1. Load a default aircraft - I recommend B58 or Piper Cub, and load LOWI at night. 

2. Lower your P3D AA settings. Start with MSAAx8, and work your way down. Take note of performance.


If you are still getting bad performance with lower MSAA settings (x4 or x2), could you please post a couple of overview screenshots of the airport at night, and one from the ramp. 



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