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PMDG/ORBX: click on MCDU makes P3D V4 CTD with ORBX enabled, things working fine with ORBX disabled


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Hello orbx, hello community,


i spent most of the last 2 days troubleshooting my P3D V4.


I had an issue two days ago where payware-aircraft immidiately made P3D CTD when i clicked "fly" - after some troubleshooting, i got that sorted out by deinstalling and reinstalling orbx (Global, LC EU, LC NA, North Germany, Trees HD).


I thought things were fine, but they arent.


I'm currently flying the same flight for the 6th time: ENTC (Tromso) to LOWW (Vienna) with PMDG 738WL. All of these flights CTD when I clicked the MCDU after 60-90minutes inflight. No matter if active sky on/off, chaseplane on/off, airports on/off, you name it. Of course, i started with deinstalling the PMDG and installing the newest package, reinstalling P3D content, but with no luck.


Finally i gave it a try and disable all of ORBX Products and now everything seems to work fine. I just landed after over 3 hours of flight without any issues in vienna. Could click on the MCDU all the time.


Is there any reasonable connection that can cause such issues? I'll be happy to provide whatever information necessary.


My next steps would be:


- completely remove all ORBX-Products and removing ALL files

- reinstall them in the best possible way/order.


I'd appreciate any input how to do that in the best possible manner.


thank you in advance,




SYS: i6700k, 1080ti, win 10, p3dv4. current drivers.

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This is very odd as I have three PMDG planes and everything Orbx makes for V4 and I had one actual CTD and it was caused by the g2.dll module which I think was caused by Track IR.  I unplugged it and no more CTD's.


Since you're not getting a BSOD, just a CTD did you immediately look at the Event Viewer and see what caused it?


I'd be very curious to see what it says.


Best of luck.




Edit: PS, welcome to the forum.

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Hello, thank you for the welcome.


Unfortunately, the WER-Folder is empty right now, but I'll post the next Report when i experience a CTD.


I got this from the event-viewer, it doesnt help much i think:

- Provider
      [ Name] Application Hang
- EventID 1002
      [ Qualifiers] 0
  Level 2
  Task 101
  Keywords 0x80000000000000
- TimeCreated
      [ SystemTime] 2017-07-28T07:28:15.514669100Z
  EventRecordID 30389
  Channel Application
  Computer hostname removed
- EventData
      D:\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\Prepar3D.exe



I'm about to install ORBX part by part and give it a try.


One thing i suspect to be of influence is the density of autogen - ORBX makes a major difference from what I saw in the successful flight.


I guess I should start with ORBX Global?

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Hi, I'm by far and away no expert in CTD's, I just learn from the guys here and they helped me and this is what I learned to do.


I don't see anything except P3D in the event viewer so who knows?


Yes, if it were me, I'd start with Global, test, backup if you have Acronis or something similar and add another Orbx.


This way if you have a global PC backup you don't have to keep reinstalling ad infinitum.


By the way, PMDG today has updated all their jets, full installer redownload required, maybe that'll help.


But like I said I have everything Orbx makes for V4 and all three PMDG jets and do not have issues like this, and you hardware specs are light years better than mine.

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i got the new pmdg installers this morning, thank you.


right now installing global and yeah, will fire up for a testflight.


I'm sitting on 150MBit Downstream here, so reinstalling is basically a matter of minutes. :) global just installed between my last post and this post. let's fire up the 737.


edit: T/O in a  few minutes, if you are curious: https://radar.projectfly.co.uk/#l170761

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3 minutes ago, ilCuero said:

Testflight with ORBX Global: successfully done. 


what next? vector? Landclass?

Good!  And good question.  What all do you have?


And remember to set the layers after everything is installed.  I'm sorry I forget what goes where but there's a post here you can find by searching.  I'll try to find it.


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13 minutes ago, ilCuero said:

Testflight with ORBX Global: successfully done. 


what next? vector? Landclass?

Gosh, I did a search and couldn't find it.  In FTX Central you should have a certain scenery layer order.  My PC is backing up right now else I'd post a screen.


Maybe someone else can help.


I don't really think it matters what order you install things as long as you get the layers correct especially if you have other than Orbx scenery.  I know it's on this forum somewhere and I'm sorry I couldn't help you more.



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31 minutes ago, ilCuero said:

Testflight with ORBX Global: successfully done. 


what next? vector? Landclass?




After you install everything just apply the below procedure and all should be good. :)


Ensure the Orbx Libs are installed and up to date. (is there a blue notification above the settings button in FTXC3?)

Ensure all of your 3rd party addons are at the top of your scenery library and above your FTX entries.

Then in FTX Central 3 Insertion points, move "FTX entries should be inserted below"  just below your last 3rd party addon.

Then move the "openLC entries should be inserted below"  just below your FTX entries. and click "Save".

Then run the "Force Migration" option.

Finally Click on the "Clear Temp" button.

Then, there is a Vector control panel access button at the bottom of the FTXC3 settings page. When you open it you can select the amount of road coverage etc, be sure to uncheck the "Frozen Surface (in winter only)"option, then go to the Airport Elevation Correction (AEC tool) tab and run the auto configuration process and be sure to click on "Appy" when it is done scanning.





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Enroute with LC Europe installed as described above:




running my errands now, then lunch, if everything works fine, i'll install vector and to another run in the afternoon.


I presume my orbx installation was somehow messed up and things are going to work out fine now. good to know about the insertion points, doug. :)

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It crashed with LC Europe after 3 hours. However, it crashed while I was afk (without clicking anything) and I found a message in the eventlog that indicated a problem with the nvidia driver a bit earlier before the sim crashed. might be unrelated, but i decided to give it a go.


done so far: safe mode - DDU nvidia driver - fresh install of nvidia driver.


another testflight just got airborne in tromso :D https://radar.projectfly.co.uk/#l171399

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It seems removing the nvidia driver with DDU in safe mode and reinstalling it from scratch was helpful.


currently on my second flight from tromso to vienna.


ORBX Global, ORBX LC EU, ORBX Vector and ORBX Trees HD enabled. 


ORBX Germany North still missing...


And I'm thinking about buying ORBX Norway, considering how often I flew that leg in the last 3 days :D


Currently streaming: https://www.twitch.tv/ilcuero




Summary what (most certainly) solved my problem:


- Uninstalled ORBX from FTX3

- Deleted the ORBX-Folder in the P3DV4 Folder (all Files & Folders)

- Uninstalled nVidia Driver with DDU in safe mode, reboot and install driver from scratch

- Installed the ORBX-Products as described above by Doug.


It seems that there was more than one problem. I guess I'm fine now.


Thank you both for your support. :)

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This will be interesting as I did the same thing yesterday i.e. removing the driver and then let it install after reboot. Im doing the same flight today so hopefully third time a charm. This post has been very helpful so far so thanks. Ill post here with results


I also remove all orbx products apart from global.

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okay so same flight and success! :-)


Things I did for other people's info:


Remove ORBX australia and HD treets so just left Orbx global

Removed nvidia drivers completely restrted and let it load them automatically back in

Removed SPAI V7.1 traffic

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I did another flight today. Everythings fine. 


I'll consider this for me as resolved.


There were two problems - ORBX installation was somehow messed up and, additionaly, a nvidia driver issue.


thank you all again. glad to see that benjoglove also was successful in solving his troubles. :)

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Okay I'm about to cry. I did the above test flight again with orbxaus enabled this time as well as orbx trees. I noticed it did a terrain detail load as I was about to come into the top of Australia. Once completed P3DV4 became non responsive and CTD. Could be an Aus ORBX issue?

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Okay we are resolved, not because of the link. Has nothing to do with orbx or scenery libraries. Its the latest nvidia driver. It was leaking memory and thus couldnt handle the reloads. Many others have reported same in the last few days. Rolled back to previous driver and now all ok. Tested same routes without a hiccup.

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  • 2 weeks later...
7 hours ago, a330driver said:



could you please tell me your nvidia driver specs. I'm running into BSOD lately and suspect my nvidia driver is the root cause.

Thank you!

HI a330driver. I rolled back to driver # 384.76 for the 1080. The 384.94 is the one causing the issue. Havent had an issue since.

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