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P3dv4 Orbx Region Vector and third party software


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Short and sweet.  I have one particular 3rd party airport that vexes me.  KTNP Twentynine Palms by 29palms.  Known issue.  Elevation.  Depending on whatever version of fix I choose, AEC, 29palms patch or bgl.off orbx KTNP files, problem remains, only in different flavors, i.e. floating objects, trenches / holes, or a combination of.


I have global, s. cal, n. cal and vector installed


If I disable 29palm library, airport is flat without intervention, but then its not really the airport.  Just some markings over the original P3d runway


I've had P3d and Orbx for well over a year now.  I have had this airport for over a year, only in P3dv3.  I had no issues then, just in P3dv4


Stumped. Any and all ideas desired, or an immediate fix :-). at a minimum what does orbx recommend turning off. 


Thanks in Advance


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Thank you Doug.  I took a look at the thread just now and I had already looked at it when I first had this problem after installing 29palms for P3dv4.  I have indeed searched for any and all combination of ktnp, orbx, vector, 29palms, p3dv4.  I've tried all the fixes.  There is only one post on the topic and that is at 29palms.  at least 2 other individuals, same thing.  Cant get elevation corrected.  Tried all the fixes.  results just like mine.


I will look in subforum.  Compatibility?  I did not know there was one. :-)


Thanks again, any other ideas welcome


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All, after multiple installs, de-installs, re-installs ad nauseum, I took a break from the frustration and just uninstalled the software.  A few days later, my curiosity got the better of me, ran the installer ONE MORE TIME and poof, installation went as expected and KTNP Twentynine Palms Airport appeared in all of its glory, without flaw.


I've been simming now for over 30 years.  When this stuff happens there is only one explanation. "PFM".


Thank goodness for PFM...


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