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YMLT 2.5 Problem


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Hi all maybe I have done something wrong but it appears the Default runway is sitting just above the orbx one. i get like a split screen from the cockpit.

I reinstalled Holgermesh - nothing

Turned off FS Global in Oceania - Nothing

I did install the new libs file after YMLT - nothing.

This appears to be a terrain height issue I re ran ftx central apply ftx regions again - nothing.

Any ideas? anyone getting this too?

I also reinstall SP30001 - no change?

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Hi guys, all fine at my end, just checked

If you have any traffic programs installed (mytrafficX...so~on), you will need to make sure they are not installing any AFCADs for the add-on airports you have installed

please both try turning off any Traffic programs you may have installed (by untick in the scenery library)



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Hi guys, all fine at my end, just checked

If you have any traffic programs installed (mytrafficX...so~on), you will need to make sure they are not installing any AFCADs for the add-on airports you have installed

please both try turning off any Traffic programs you may have installed (by untick in the scenery library)



I tried that no luck here, but I think your on to something. I'll try a search on afcads

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You will need to visit the specific forum of the Traffic-program you use, and find out how to disable certain airports within that program

then you need to locate the Traffic-program AFCADs for all the airport addons you have installed, YMAV, YMLT and so~on and disable them within the Traffic-program

your Traffic-program will then use the FTX airport AFCADs perfectly

Once you do that I'm sure you will have less issues, may even solve your CTD probs...



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Here is Justflight's help forum: http://forum.justflight.com/forum_topics.asp?FID=9&PN=1

They do mention a few things you must do, to set it up right, such as making sure you locate any add-on airports, not just the defaults

I personally find it easier on the brain to just stick with only FTX regions/REX, FTX_AI, Holgermesh, and a few good/decent payware aircraft...aka the KISS principal

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well unfortunatley I have tried to locate the culprit but will have to fresh install again. :( this is starting to get depressing but I keep smiling in the event that one day I may actually find some good comes of all this and I might just help someone out along the way :)

this time I will go even more step by step.

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just got a break thru,

I uninstalled everything except FTX and FSX took it back to bare stuff so to speak loaded fsx went to ymlt aha! bingo! now I am reinstalling Acceleration and step by step will report when I find the culprit!!!! :)

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I am having this problem too. I was using Traffic X with FTX without any problems. That is, until I had to re-install thanks to a HD crash. So, I've been going through the re-install process the last few days and ran in to this issue. I think I know what might fix it, but I need to test it out first. I will get back to you...

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Okay, so I have completely uninstalled Traffic X and I still have this problem, BUT only after the YMLT SP3 version is installed. If I uninstall the YMLT SP3 version, problem is gone. Next, I tried installing the old YMLT 2.00.....same problem. At this point I am wondering if it has something to do with FTX SP3? Very strange. Prior to SP3 I never had any problems with YMLT.

Any dev's have any ideas? At this point it can't be because of Traffic X.

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sniper i have solved this problem but I am 90% reinstalled. I went into control panel removed everything except fsx and ftx found problem gone then just started to reinstall again so far so good but I have not reinstalled traffic x. I installed FTX AI V2 again and found that the traffic file from traffic x is still there and ok so I wont reinstall traffic x at this time.

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sniper i have solved this problem but I am 90% reinstalled. I went into control panel removed everything except fsx and ftx found problem gone then just started to reinstall again so far so good but I have not reinstalled traffic x. I installed FTX AI V2 again and found that the traffic file from traffic x is still there and ok so I wont reinstall traffic x at this time.

Yes, but I uninstalled ALL of Traffic X and the problem was still there. In my case, the problem ONLY disappears if I uninstall YMLT.

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Uninstalling Traffic X will not necessarily result in all the relevant files being removed.

Do a search for files containing 'YMLT' to see if there are any other AFCAD's left on your system. The most likely place for any leftovers would be in your Addon Scenery/Scenery folder.

I did that last night, but I will double check again just to make sure...I'll post back with the results...

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Snipper i dont know if this was it but i found a file for YMLT in Ozx install I deleted that as well but it may have been the problem

do the search ymlt and when you see the one in ozx delete it then see if your problem has gone.

let me know if it works

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Okay, so just confirmed, NO YMLT files left. Addon Scenery folder is actually totally empty, because I have nothing installed except Orbx scenery.

I must stress again that the only way I can get this problem to go away is to completely remove any YMLT scenery, regardless of ANY traffic AI program being installed.

Here is the complete situation on my end:

I performed a clean W7 RC install after a HDD crash a few days ago. Prior to that, I was running FSX with all Pre-SP3 FTX products installed and Traffic X WITHOUT any issues. I was flying into and out of YMLT on many occasion without issue. I had not installed my SP3 dvd or any other SP3 related files as I have been out of the country for several months. I come home, go to fly, and had this HDD crash. SO, as stated above, I get a new HDD, do a fresh OS re-install and start to rebuild my FSX setup. Here is the order I installed things:

FSX, FSX sp1 and sp2, FS Global 2008 mesh, Traffic X, FTX SP3 DVD and SP3001 patch, then perform test flight, to include default YMLT-NO ISSUES

Then, I install SP3 certified region packs and perform another test flight out of YMLT- NO ISSUES

Then I install YMLT 2.5 SP3 certified and perform a test flight out of YMLT- PROBLEM

So, I uninstall Traffic X properly and perform test flight at YMLT-PROBLEM

I delete ALL YMLT files and problem resolved.

No problems with any other FTX freeware or payware scenery, SP3 certified or not. It is very odd.

I want to fix this, as YMLT has always been one of my favorite Orbx airfields.

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Have you tried setting installing Holgermesh and setting it to 10m resolution?  You will need to disable the FSGlobal 'Oceania' region though.

Also you said "I install SP3 certified region packs" - why would you reinstall the SP3 Certified Region packs if you've just installed the SP3 DVD? They are exactly the same.

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JV might be onto something there to I use fsx global but have reinstalled holgermesh as well.

have you installed the SP30001 patch?

check your install of ymml I know that sounds strange but delete the ymml folder and reinstall ymml sp1

i know ymml has nothing to do with ymlt but i found probs with ymml and fixed that by the above.

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Ok guys, thanks for the replies so far...

JV, I don't have Holgermesh installed (never have). I will try disabling the Oceania region in FS Global and see what that does, although I can say that I never had to to that in the past. BTW, I do have my mesh resolution set at 10m.

As far as installing the SP3 Certified regions, I only did that as I was unclear as to whether or not it was necessary (yes, I did read all of the many threads about installing the SP3 stuff, and I was a bit confused). When I originally ordered my SP3 dvd months ago, I was under the impression that all of the regions were on it and would be SP3, but then I read all those posts about SP3 and I was not so sure. So, to be safe, that is what I did.

Flyguy737, I don't have YMML installed yet, so that can't be the problem either.  And yes, I have installed the SP30001 patch.

Honestly guys, I try and read everything I can (to include the readme files) before I ask for help because I don't want to waste people's time, especially the Orbx staff as I know how busy they must be. I usually can find the solution to most problems on my own through trial and error or research, but this particular problem has me really stumped.

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snipper you need the holgermesh it should fix it

Well, I've been using FS Global since long before FTX SP3 without ANY problems at YMLT, so I cannot see why this would be the cause of the issue. I mean, since day one of FTX AU BLUE, I had FS Global installed and YMLT was fine, no problems. And its been that way all the way through until now. There must be another culprit, OR FS Global and FTX SP3 are incompatible, which I doubt.

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Try this APX file. It is just the V 2.5 one with a flatten down the length of the runway. It may sort out your problem but to be fair, you should not usually need this modification.

Just place this file in your ORBX/FTX_AU/FTXAA_AIRPORTS/Scenery folder overwriting your existing one. You can back up you current one if you wish but it should be fine without.

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Try this APX file. It is just the V 2.5 one with a flatten down the length of the runway. It may sort out your problem but to be fair, you should not usually need this modification.

Just place this file in your ORBX/FTX_AU/FTXAA_AIRPORTS/Scenery folder overwriting your existing one. You can back up you current one if you wish but it should be fine without.

Well, that fixed it right up! Thanks! Now I can fly out of Launy again WITH Traffic X and FS GLobal and enjoy all the new looks of YMLT :) Great help everyone.:)

Now, ggeccles, can you fill me on on why that worked, or is it an insider secret? ;)

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Hi, I finally found a solution.

I had all Ants Aussie Airports installed, one by one. I've downloaded the complete pack (1 to 9). I have deleted my old install of Ants Aussie Airports and then install the new pack and OH OH Miracle, YMLT is now OK.

I don't know what kind of influence had Ants Aussie Aiports on YMLT, but now it's gone and I can enjoy YMLT again.



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Hi all!

This is my first post in this forum and first of all I would like to thank John Venema and the whole Orbx and OzX teams for these wonderful sceneries. In my opinion they are masterpieces in every way! I think there's nothing in FSX (and the whole add-on universe) that can be compared with the quality and realism of this sceneries. Thank you!

Before I tried the FTX AU demo and then bought AU green first, I almost never have been flown in Australia. Now I almost never fly anywhere else! I'm looking forward for NA blue, because then I can fly in North America too... ;-)

I had the same problem with YMLT 2.5 than described by the others and I tried every tip given by them: Deactivation of FS Global - nothing changed. Deactivation of MyTraffic too - nothing changed. But substituting the BGL-file by the one given by Graham was the solution for me. I then activated the two sceneries again and all was ok!

Best regards


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good to hear mate. I feel I wasted money on fs global I don't use it now. I found that it made some parts of the world like Cali airport sunk in the ground and I like to from time to time fly around the world.

I now prefer to wait until I buy a scenery for that area as they usually have the right landclass files same with australia, Holgermesh concentrates on the land of oz.

So all in all I believe although fs global sounds good in one hand, local scenery developers are better at it.


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