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Around Seattle


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Enjoying being able to fly around here now. Been (still is) a bit of an effort trying to get everything sorted for v4 - one of those things when you don't realise just how much stuff you've put on to the system to get where you are. Trying to find out what will port and what won't is still ongoing for me, but I'm getting there slowly. Have to say I don't like (and don't use) the new add-on xml approach for scenery. Unless I'm missing something (always a possibility) it completely removes the sort of control I've gotten used to with SCE. So I've set up extra simobjects definitions, removed the add-on entries, and replaced them with good old scenery.cfg entries - that way I can keep my groups and previous organisation in place. And it does still make a difference in v4, certainly for loading times.


Anyway, here we are cruising around Seattle


















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Beautiful set Andy!


I have to agree, it's way too confusing for me.  I too use SCE but didn't do any xml stuff.  How did you "set up extra simobjects definitions, removed the add-on entries, and replaced them with good old scenery.cfg entries"?

 I wouldn't even know where to begin.

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