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PAVD graphics anomalies?

Jack Sawyer

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Is this normal?  Has anyone else seen this?

The odd textures on the side of the mountain and the one with the spike.

I tried every conceivable graphics and shadow settings changes, no change.  

If it's normal than disregard.




Take off and head for that mountain.
























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Jack - Are you in P3dv3 or v4? If the latter - I didn't think airports were yet supported by v4 only regions. Not sure if I can help - but certainly would like you to clarify for the benefit of those who can help.

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9 minutes ago, GregJ said:

Jack - Are you in P3dv3 or v4? If the latter - I didn't think airports were yet supported by v4 only regions. Not sure if I can help - but certainly would like you to clarify for the benefit of those who can help.

3.4 Orbx PAVD

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Hello Jack.

Much too bright is over exposing the photo scenery shadows, that is the photographs of the shadows,

not any shadows that P3D might add.

The little spike is a tiny mesh anomaly.

Here is a replica of your last shot (it gets larger if you click on it).




which does look very dark because it is, looking past it puts it into perspective, I think.




I think these are nearer to what we are supposed to see.


I found the repaint too.

I think this is as near to a photograph as it is possible to be in a simulator



This is P3D v4. No images of the airport because it isn't working yet.

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Thanks a bunch Nick!  I appreciate you taking the time to do this for me.  Looks like next time I run the sim it'll be an HDR change.  What are your's?


And I'm glad you found that repaint.  In me and my friend's little FSE Orbx world we fly exclusively in SAK.  It's a beautiful place and this is the perfect livery for our adventures.


And I agree on that last one!  It's amazing.  I didn't know those tanks were there in SAK without PAVD.  Cool!  I've been so busy lately with both sims and trying to work things out I barely have time to fly where I want to.  You should see my to do list!

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