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I downloaded the FTX Central (ftxcentral3_installer.exe). Norton scanned it, Okay. I clicked it and the installation began. Again Norton scanned and this time the .exe or something in it was flagged as a virus with HIGH risk (something called heur.advml.b was put in quarantine and the installation stopped. Does anyone know what this is and why it's in the installer? Is it safe to remove it from quarantine and go on with the setup/installation?


I was going to purchase the following addons:
- FTX Global BASE Pack.
- FTX Global Vector.
- EU Norway.




Screenshot (3).png

Screenshot (6).png

Screenshot (7).png

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2 minutes ago, spud said:

I would suggest that you use another virus protection program.  Norton's is, IMHO garbage.



I don't know about that. I've been using it for 15 years and I've only had one virus in that time, and that was my own fault (forgot to re-enable Norton). For me at least it's been good and the support is superb :-)

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I don't know about that. I've been using it for 15 years and I've only had one virus in that time, and that was my own fault (forgot to re-enable Norton). For me at least it's been good and the support is superb :-)

If you want to both enhance your rig and save money, Windows Defender is the most recommanded
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I saw the same error message when I tried this a few days ago. Wondering how you identified it as a false positive - I mean that is what everyone is saying it is, and you know - probably that's right. But as far as I know Norton hasn't pushed any updates with the relabeling.


I have also used Norton for at least a decade without any big issues. I've encountered two website/vendors (both flight sim related) that claim false positives. I offered my assistance with the other site and they got it resolved with Norton - so no more false positives for them.


In discussing this issue with Norton, they've provided me with some links for reporting this. I have a link for users submitting suspect files to Norton and another link available for website owners to submit their dispute for Norton to resolve the false positive. I'd post them here but I am not sure of the posting of external links policy. Its not a complicated or time consuming process to get it resolved - though it may take Norton a few weeks until they can get it processed.

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Norton has consistently identified FTX Central as a virus for as long as I can remember.  They have been notified, I believe, yet their software continues to identify FTX Central as a virus.  You can continue to haggle with Norton if you wish, but I'll be surprised if anything comes of it.

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I'll just expand on my comment in the other virus thread, which I should have done there...

Norton's prides itself on being an Anti-virus tool, so it will report anything as a virus, simply to show the user it is doing its job, and finding viruses. But what it actually found from the screenshot above is '...a threat based on malware heuristics.'

A bit of research shows that 'heuristics' in relation to malware was developed as a way to try and guess what was a new threat. So it would study other malware, and figure out what common traits they have. I don't know exactly how Norton works, but I assume that if something triggers a certain number of these traits, it could be a threat. These things could be:

Does it ask for elevated privileges when it runs? (This is the sort of thing which triggers the UAC warning on Windows machines.) -- tick!

Does it install little bits and pieces which can run at a later date? e.g. the 'flow' modules -- tick!

Does it 'phone home' with info on your system? Not sure here, but probably.. -- tick!


Maybe it might only take 3 ticks to make it risky enough to be a threat. Norton likes to be seen to be strong and decisive, so it doesn't say, 'hey, although we didn't find anything which shows as malware, it does do some of the same things which malware uses to get into your system'. It says 'I've deleted this, to save you from a virus!'


So as with other computer security -- including the UAC warning -- you need to understand and evaluate the risk yourself. Sure, one day someone -- probably a disgruntled employee -- might insert something dangerous in FTXCentral, but I would imagine the risk is low -- i.e. there are no disgruntled employees....

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