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I purchased ftx global, ftx global vector, ftx global trees, ftx global open lc  NA Alaska/Canada, NA northern Calif, and NA Pacific NW this was back in 2015 I think i did something with some sort of files cause right now I really don't thing FSX is suppose to look like it does, so can someone maybe try to point me in the right direction,

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Doug, I see repeatedly those newbie mails with "spokentee" - or whoever - as Author as well as Subject these days. Not sure how to get people to understand what's the difference between an Author and a Title, but perhaps a bold-face red hint "Do not insert your (nick)name but a proper subject specification here" next to the Title field might help? Or perhaps Title is misleading and should be replaced by Subject?


It also might draw others to the topic to give help if they new what it's about.


Thanks and kind regards, Michael



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Regardless of what appears and I think "TITLE" is unambiguous, someone will misinterpret it.

Let us live and let live, it's not that common and of course very many of us do not have the

same command of English.

Perhaps you can suggest a title for this topic, which is three rolled into one  and I will edit it, especially as the author, for which there is

no box to fill in, seems not to have returned for answers to the somewhat vague questions. 


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