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Orbx FTX and Fs Global Next Generation


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Hi everybody,


I've been using Orbx FTX, LC and Regions for a long time with FSGlobal2010 FTX Mesh which I recenty upgraded to Fs Global Next Generation. Since then my textures look blurry and it seems than Orbx FTX and Next Generation Mesh are not (or at least less) compatible with Orbx FTX than the FsGlobal FTX version as already suggested by the name. Can anybody confirm this? Should I do a complete reinstall of Orbx FTX through FTX Central?


Any help appreciated.


Best regards



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I also have NG and can confirm no effect at all in causing any blurry textures. Where have you installed NG, and what is the hardrive type (SSD?) you use? I use SSD and it copes very well with loading textures and scenery and mesh etc. NG is fairly large (80+ GB) so will affect loading times of a flight and may be affecting loading times of mesh in flight causing blurred textures. This is only a possibility that I can think of as NG itself does not cause blurred textures. Global 2010 was much less detailed and used a different data source than NG does.

What are your PC specs?

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I observed Pilot's Next Gen mesh loading very quickly at simulator startup. I recall an endless 6% waiting with Pilot's Ultimate which is gone now, actually I can hardly notice a difference in loading time with the Next Gen mesh on or off.


I don't see additional blurries, too, at least not beyond the usual blurriness at a distance being a >feature< of Prepar3d2/3. Plus I have the occasional "late popping in place" of textures in mountain regions (typical effect in the Norway fjords), but that's not specific to the Next Gen mesh either.


Kind regards, Michael

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Same here. I loaded NG to my PC's in the cockpit sim and no problems, crisp, clean textures. I also had 2010 before the upgrade and loading 9 disks was decidedly quicker than downloading 2010 5 times.





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I have used for a long time FS Global 2008. Some weeks ago I bought FS GLobal NG Ultimate and since then the airports altitude seems not to b weorkitng anymore.

I was running the Airport Elevation Correction from Global Vector, still no joy. PAKT, PAJN   (see PDF) etc. are completely out of the level.

TheGlobal Vector Configuration tool for the airport altitudes shows a failure, see below.

Someone has an idea ?


Thaks an d cheers



FSS0304953, FSS0217725, FSS0376249, FSS0400355 , FSS0443333, FSS0280387 etc., etc, :-)


New Zealand.pdf




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