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Not really a screenshot, more a thank you


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When you get to my age you tend to reminisce a lot, and recently I was thinking about my holidays in Scotland in the late 1950's, and about a little forestry settlement that we stayed in, and a ruined Castle across the Loch (Loch Awe) that we visited by borrowing a rowing boat and rowing across, so I decided to check the area out in the sim..Imagine my surprise when I found that the castle, Innish Chonnel, the last stronghold of the Cameron Clan was in the sim.. Magic!.

So a big big thank you for whoever did this, you made my day. Teecee.



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This Is why I love Orbx, that was a great story Teecee and all these POI's, man one could spend a lifetime finding them all.  Great catch and great attention to detail on Orb's part.


Now, if I could only buy KSAN or LOWI soon, I'm "Jones'n". :huh:

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