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FTX Global openLC Europe blurry ...SOLVED


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After many attempts to solve the problem of blurry textures of openLC Europe I settled with two simple steps the problem (at least in my FSX ...):

1- I deactivated FTXAA_ORBXLIBS and FTX_FTXG_AIRPORTS in the scenery library

2- I reduced the frame rate under "Unlimited" (currently I set 90)

Of course all openLC Europe are active !!! Now all the textures are perfectly loaded and fluid as when you only used the FTX Global base pack .

I hope this can be of help to all those who have the same problem ...


Great flights to all!!!

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Hi all

got a crash over Groenland with all orbx active global lc Europe , na ...

and restart the flight at the same place with horrible blurries too, so after read this post i tried too dissable library and it s really better now

maybe a problem with the lastest update of open lc NA and/or libraries?

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