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Complete reinstall everything.


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Hi. Just had a rubbish week where first Steam whent wrong then had permissions trouble and then Win 10 failed and no backups. So Windows up and running thanks to my son but still had problems with Steam and FSX-SE. So tried my boxed FSX and it worked. The last time it wouldn't install, thought discs nackerd that's why I whent to FSX-SE. Right to the question or questions. When I installed Acceleration it failed to activate and now when starting FSX a box pops up about it. Every thing seems to be working, so is it possible not to bother about it as I've seen you have to go into the Win 10 reg to sort it. Plus when looking on the internet I saw some thing about Sp1 and SP 2 , do I need to install those before I install anything else. Didn't know there was any. At the momment only installed Delux edition FSX and Acceleration, plus Orbx Global and Orbx vector. Derek.

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Here is the most likely fix.




1) with regedit, located this entry:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CURRENTCONTROLSET\CONTROL\CLASS\{4D36E967-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}

2) edit your UpperFilters key.

For FSX and their validating system, they expect it only reads "PartMgr".

In your case, there is great chance it shows something more.

In my case, it was reading:ShockprfPartMgr

3) change the registry to read only "PartMgr"

4) start FSX, you should now be prompted with the activation dialog, proceed and let FSX start.



Here is an image to help you.




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Have not heard/read the term "nackered" for years. How refreshing!!!! Says it all!!! Shows our shared heritage as the term is used in OZ a lot as well.

Hope you get it all sorted mate. Silver lining is that when a complete fresh install is done everything works so well.

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Thanks Bassman glad you liked it. Yep all going well, touch wood apart from that Acceleration problem, well not a problem really as it all seems to be working apart from just one thing which I have never used anyway, it doesn't seem to have multiplayer installed which I think is part of the Acceleration package. If I should sort out Acceleration I need to find out what Nick meant in line 5 as don't understand that part. Derek.

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No worries Nick I found the post about it and all done ok. If ur still around just realised I've put FSX on my G drive in Program files x86. Is that ok. Remember that it's not to be put in on the C drive. I had better wait be for I install any thing else. Derek

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