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Night textures too light and colorful

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Seems to me that my night textures are too bright and have light green colors that seem too light for night. This is with global and LC in both Europe and NA. Don't fly much at night so didnt really notice it before. Seems in the past textures were realistically darker at night. I know the moon makes a difference but still light on moonless nights. Sorry no pictures.  On tablet at this time.


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I find the same, at night much of the land's textures still display, although quite dark.  Realistically there should be nothing discernible below except the difference between land and water, and the lights of course.


I find that clicking on the eco setting on my monitor darkens it by about 25% and helps the night time experience.  There's probab;y a custom setting you can configure to do the same job.  It's a pain but there's no way of setting anything in FSX/P3D to make night textures darker.  I'vew downloaded a few programs over the years and none work.  Apparently in FS9 there was a way of doing it but not in FSX.


If you do find anything please share!

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