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More floating buildings


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 D:\Hammerfest01.pnghttp://imgur.com/a/JyIEsHammerfest01.png         Sorry abt two pictures, working on that mistake.  As per pictures in Payware Orbx I'm have great trouble with floating buildings.  All these are floating as well as the drilling rig on top of the mountain.  Only have Orbx scenery, nothing else apart from FTX Global and other files important files they have from downloading.  With this picture I had Mesh. Res. at 5, Tex Res at 7cm.  Did an AEC.  I need help as this lovely scenery is being spoilt,

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I just set up a flight and navigated to the same spot.  Not problems here.  Everything is securely sitting on the ground.


The fix for floating buildings is to reset the flight, recommend you save it wherever you are, exit the flight, and choose it again.


Floating buildings are the result of autogen loading on to a different mesh than what is displayed.  I don't entirely understand it but I presume that a coarse mesh is loaded into the RAM, prior to the later mesh.  In this case the autogen has been placed by the sim prior to the final mesh being set.


Are you using third party mesh?  If so you can try setting it way down the scenery library so it loads as soon as possible.

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John, thank you. The one thing I was hoping for, was someone else flying the same route and comparing.  You up the strength of one's computer and still there's trouble,

what do you do:o


I went through the net yesterday and no-one had a real answer for a fix.  I don't have 3rd party anything, I'm trying to stay Orbx all the way.  I am going to try the idea's you came up with, stopping at the 'floating' point then restarting.


I might play around with the scenery and move this up and down the library.


What I fail to comprehend is why one person has no trouble while another does.


However, I thank you for replying as I thought I wasn't going to get one at one stage.  Thanks again John.



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Hi Jim,


There is no need to restart your sim, but only to reset or refresh the scenery, (It usually works when a group of objects are seen hanging up in the air), ie; houses, trees, powerline HT towers, etc... etc...   The problem occurs when an elevation or mesh has not resolved at the determined set height for the object/s placed upon the topography. Infact Holger has a more precise explanation for floating (Autogen) objects phenomenon, but I can't find the post to quote.


The usual method to remain at your current location without exiting the sim, and resolve the floating objects is to Press "P" key to pause sim, > click your FSX menu (press "Alt" key if menu is not already visible) select > World > Scenery Library > Scenery library panel then opens > click "OK"  to rebuild the database > when DB is rebuilt the sim will continue to the Loading screen > and reload at exactly the same time, place, altitude, aircraft, and settings. Only this time any previously floating objects should be back on the ground.

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Jeff and John (the 2 J's).  FIXED.  My apologies to the creator(s) of this beautiful Hammerfest scenery.  I read the advice of the 2 J's and put it into action.

and the problem has gone.  Wow, the relief.  There's some very talented mods and users on this forum and by crikey I needed the two of them.  Thanks you so much and I hope and I can help someone else one day.


I'm lost for words but just to say thanks you'll know how I feel.




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