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FTX Global: Texture not replaced, only loads around aircraft


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Hello community,


I recently bought FTX Global Base pack and was really happy about the improvement of ground textures, but I have some trouble with the displayed FTX Global Textures.


Other than I have read in the internet and at two of my sim collegues, ORBX seems to not replace the default ground textures, but only loads around the aircraft. It can clearly be seen when the top-camera is selected and you zoom out and also in the distance when flying above FL200. It happened in a clear install in FSX and also in Prepar3D v3.4, which was also a new, clear install. It has been installed as admin and the P3D settings now are average to high. Higher settings in displaying objects and textures in distance expand the "circle" of texture arround me.


Does anyone have a clue, what is causing my issue and how the textures can be fully replaced? Thank you very much for any help.


BR Meyerflyer





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I think its a 'level of detail' thing, and not an actual fault. I might be wrong mind, its happened before! The Global textures are quite saturated compared to the old default, so maybe its just more obvious now. Have you tried running a L.O.D of 5.5 to see if it makes a difference? You might have to counterbalance that with reduced settings elsewhere if you routinely overfly vas intensive areas. I think I use 6.5 for Global/LC EU in the 737-800 and 8.5 over photoscenery. I guess you are using the default setting of 4.5?

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Yes, LOD radius is default setting 4.5 with option "medium" in P3D. Thanks for you reply, but I thinks it is not the solution. Two of my sim friends are also using option medium an their default texture is completely replaced with the ORBX textures.


Can it really be, that the LOD radius must be configured that high to not see the border of default and add-on texture? :(



Edit: Just added my order number in the signature.

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If your friends aren't experiencing the same issue, then it might be worth looking down other avenues I'm afraid. Avenues which I'm not qualified to guide you down :D

I must admit, its a long time since I used a level of detail of 4.5. I cannot afford to dial in lots of weather, so instead rely on 'haze' which doesn't impact my FPS. My system is quite old now.


The 8.5 I use with photo scenery is to eliminate 'blurries'. The 6.5 I use with Global/LC kinda renders mountainous terrain more distinctly, but as the experts will tell you, ramping things up needs careful balancing elsewhere.


I will go into my sim, go to FL200 using a LOD of 4.5, and I'll report back.

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Right. I'm back with ya. The screenshot I've uploaded is a really rubbish illustration! Why? Because I forgot I use a REX weather texture that induces the appearance of haze, therefore effectively masking the boundary!



The line is there, but its not as pronounced as it is in your shot, admittedly. Mine was taken at 20,000 ft using a LOD radius of 4.5. You could kinda see it creeping in at 16,000 ft. I don't know if yours is actually more different than mine, or whether the haze I use is making it much less noticeable, but I'm sure someone else will chime in to help.

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Mate, I'm getting in a right pickle trying to upload that pic! Is there a forum post equivalent of a 'tank slapper'? Hang in there, I'll try and work it out! I also noticed you was at 38,000 ft., whereas I was only at 20,000, which would explain things! :D





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Wow, thank you very much for your effort. I have to correct myself in two points. 1) My LOD radius is at 4.5, but with the setting high, not medium. 2) My friends do both have LOD 5.5 but with setting high. Maybe there's a change in P3D v3.4 or they both did change the setting in the prepar3d.cfg and the slider stays at high. My friends however could not see any border of old and new textures. I can't find out why at the moment.


So I just configured the slider to ultra which results in LOD 5.5 and will now install FTX Global again.


Maybe someone else can post his experience and if it's really normal, that the ORBX textures really just load around the aircraft instead of replacing the ugly default FSX/P3D textures.



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I 'think' you are imagining that the old default fsx textures were loaded into the sim globally, like covering the world like an orange peel, and not merely loading as you flew along? Now that you have FTX Global, the textures you see beyond the Global boundary you assume to be the old default fsx textures? Not so. Only photo scenery loads in-sim, globally and regardless of LOD.


The FSX globe is bare, but the colour match between IT and the default fsx textures was quite close. Therefore, in most instances, you couldn't really spot the transition. The fsx default textures merely loaded in accordance with the level of detail you was using. Global isn't just another layer, its a texture replacement, so what you see 'in sim' is exactly what you was seeing with the default, with one fundamental difference. Saturation! FTX Global is much less insipid, which is why the LOD boundary and repeating textures is much more noticeable. The repeating textures have been mitigated with the introduction of the FTX Land class titles, but to lose the boundary, you'll have to be very careful in balancing other slider settings.


Depending on where you fly, and what addons you have, a LOD of 6.5 could get you into the VAS danger zone quite quickly. You could increase your cloud load radius, but again, there is no such thing as a free lunch in a 32 bit flight sim. I tend to use haze. I regularly flew light aircraft out of Norwich in the 1980s. I'm used to haze. I LOVE haze. In fact, if I can see the ground too clearly i get very nervous :)


Anyway, I hope you find your compromise, but please be assured, there is nothing wrong with your/our installs ;)

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just to make sure, I'm using Prepar3D v3.4 now, not FSX. :)

Again thank you for your help. Today I did some flights and I couldn't spot any transition of textures. The sight distance was not that good today, but I think I can live with this compromise of LOD 5.5. Actually my over-all performance of the sim is quite okay, in Frankfurt and Munich add-on scenery I do have 40-50FPS so its okay, even if the higher LOD should need some frames. I also never had problems with VAS usage. So I'm fine with your help. Have a good week alltogether.



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