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Very Slow Frame rate outside Orbx Sceneries


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I now have very slow frame rates outside the Orbx scenery areas of Southern Alaska, Canadian Northern Rocky, PNW, PFjords. I have only these Orbx payware programs plus the free NA airports. Libraries up to date. I also have FSGeneis, GEX for NA, UTX for Canada. Things work fine with FTX Central v1. This problem seemed to occur after I updated to FTX Central 2 which removed the option to select default region.  I have upgraded to FTX Central v3  but the problem still exists.  I tried to lower several FSX scenery sliders  to mid levels with little positive effects.  The worst frame rate occurs in the Toronto area.... 1.5 to 3.5 frame rates. There are a lot of objects in this area but lowering the scenery details has little positive results.  Using triple monitors, Windows 7, AMD radeon 6950 with 1 G ram, Intel(R) Core (TM) i7-26ook CPU@3.4, 8 G ram.


Any ideas.

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Hi Pensioned,


                      Below is P3d and Fsx,frames are fine perhaps your Pc is struggling? If you have problems outside of your Full Fat Regions I would suggest contacting the appropriate contact of those products.

35 minutes ago, pensioned said:

I now have very slow frame rates outside the Orbx scenery areas of Southern Alaska, Canadian Northern Rocky, PNW, PFjords.

Your frames are fine within these areas?





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The triple monitors have been running fine for several years with several different games, including FSX. As I stated above with FTX Central v1, which allowed one to disable all Orbx products,  selecting default regions gave frame rates that were acceptable. Only lately have the frame rates dropped so very low ( after switching to FTX Central v 2 and then v 3 ). Not saying that Orbx is the cause but that seems to about when things began to slow down. Really don't have that great of a grasp on the situation and was wondering if others were experiencing any similar problems and any solutions.


If the triple monitors were an issue then why do they work fine in the Orbx scenery areas?  Only recently have the frames rates dropped.


The frame rates are ok inside the Orbx scenery areas.......not great but better than outside but do slow in high detailed areas like Vancouver city. 


It probably is true that a new computer system is needed but I was hoping for a few tweaks that would improve the situation. 

The1 G ram was referring to what's on the graphics card.

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Hello Pensioned,


2 hours ago, pensioned said:

If the triple monitors were an issue then why do they work fine in the Orbx scenery areas?  Only recently have the frames rates dropped.


And that is the perplexing part for you(above), the addition of FTXCv3 would not affect Pc performance in the sim, one of the factors I am thinking is, you have performance issues outside Orbx Regions, I think for tweaking aspects of the sim should be done in the attached sub forum below, my advice however is to leave the tweaks, and save for better hardware.


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