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Oakland,CA Sports Venues x2


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Hello team!


I hope the title was enough to describe the issue, but here's a photo too! TSL HQ is minutes from here and naturally would love to see it look right. I have FTX Global, OpenLC NA, and Northern CA region installed. 





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Hello Omgedson,


                           Below is what I am seeing if we are in the same spot, (I think we are) Please check again to see if the issue is persisting, does happen in sim sometimes (like floating houses) I can not tell if the Oakland stadiums you show are floating? in any case please also check your Mesh is set to 5M.




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It looks like you have an extra placement file from a 3rd party scenery, it would probably be in a folder that is located above the FTX/Orbx block of entries, try turning a bunch off


Or perhaps something to do with UTX, I recall they shift some buildings around to fit the roads, Do you have UTX or any other 3rd party scenery for this area? (Aerosoft megacity etc)

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Culprit, a freeware KOAK scenery that's pretty old. A popular FedEx airport that devs seem to overlook *hint* 

Thanks team, home looks like home again. I had no idea an airport scenery could call on other elements like that, I guess I assumed ORBX modeled these objects and would be the only dev that could call on them to render.


All previously disabled now re-enabled minus KOAK freeware.


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