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Problem with ESSA after upgrading P3D to ver 3.4


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Just did my first flight into ESSA after upgrading P3D to version 3.4 and noticed after landing how all taxi-signs were black which I think indicates the textures are missing. Then when approaching gate 5 P3D all of a sudden freezed but it was only the picture that froze, the sound kept going. Also I never received any error message and it didn't CTD...it just froze. I then tried closing P3D using the X in the upper right corner and that worked just fine.


I guess maybe a re-installation of ESSA would be the cure for this or is there an easier/better way addressing these issues?


I asked in another thread what I needed to do when it comes to all Orbx products after upgrading P3D to ver 3.4 and someone told me all that is required is to run the 'Force migration' option in FTX Central 2 so that is the only thing I did after upgrading P3D.


Thanks in advance for your help.

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Hi WebMaximus,


Very strange it.

I immediately updated the P3D to the 3.4.9 version. The only action after was to reinstall FTXGlobal. Then, when opening FTXC-2, itself begins the migration process to update the textures. If it does not start the process, you can force the procedure.

It's just, everything works.


See shots from ESSA P3Dv3.4.9, taken now;



ESSA signs 1.jpg



ESSA signs 2.jpg




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Thanks guys and sorry for the late reply. Not sure why I sometimes don't receive a notification when I new post has been made to a thread I subscribe to...


Anyway the problem with the black taxiway signs went away by itself after I restarted P3D. Another problem though which has been reported in other threads is the taxiway lights no longer work in 3.4.


Then you say you reinstalled FTX Global where I only did the force migration thing but never reinstalled FTX Global.


Has there been an official recommendation from Orbx what needs to be done for the Orbx product line after upgrading to 3.4 to make sure all products work OK?

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Yep, the need to reinstall FTCGlobal is for those who do the full update (all parts). For those who do only the part  "Client", it is not necessary.


Yes, I confirm that the taxiway lights in P3Dv3.4 seem to be in trouble.

But I'm sure the developer is already taking the necessary measures.




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Thanks a lot for your prompt reply!


I will then make sure to reinstall FTX Global since I did update all parts of P3D including the client, content and scenery modules. Do I first need to uninstall FTX Global or will it be good enough that I simply run the installer again?


I also wonder about the other products such as Vector and openLC, do I need to reinstall those as well?

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