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OpenLC Europe Conflicting


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Okay, So here are my installed Orbx products:


- Orbx Global

- Orbx Vector

- Orbx OpenLC NA

- Orbx OpenLC EU

- Orbx Norway


Now, Along the southern coast of Sweden and the entirety of Denmark is completely messed up, Take a look:



Here is my Scenery Library (Which I am assuming is the issue);




After I turned off OpenLC EU everything looked completely normal. Please help if you can! Thank you!

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7 minutes ago, FalconAF said:

Yes, you're Scenery Library entries are "messed up".  But you need to provide at least one valid ORBX purchase (Order) number before receiving assistance in this forum.  The "Order #:N/A" under your username doesn't count.

Okay, Put the order # in :)

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OK, first off, it appears you don't have the Insertion Point set in FTX Central correctly for your ORBX products.  Many of your ORBX products are in the wrong order in your Scenery Library.  I also don't see an entry for the ORBX Libraries (FTXAA_ORBXLIBS).  Try doing this for starters:


1.  ALL FOUR of your ORBX!VECTOR entries should be BELOW all of your other FTX or ORBX entries.  For now, move them down to JUST BELOW your Addon Scenery entry in the Scenery Library.  KEEP THEM IN THE SAME ORDER THEY ARE NOW below the Addon Scenery entry.


2.  ALL of your ORBX!OPENLC_xxxxxxxxx entries should be BELOW your FTX_EU_NOR_(05, 06, 07, 08)_xxxxxx entries.  So take your 4 FTX_EU_NOR entries and move them UP so they are just ABOVE the FTX_NA_!OLC_LIGHTS entry.


3.  (NOTE:  I don't use P3D, so if anything in this #3 is WRONG, somebody correct it!!!).  Your OLC_NA1, OLC_EU1, and OLC_AA entries directly below your Fly Tampa - Libraries make no sense to me.  They look like remnants of something that shouldn't be there anymore.  I *THINK* you need to delete them altogether from your Scenery Library.  Your OLC for North America, Europe, and "base" are the longer named ORBX!OPENLC_xxxxxxxxxxxxx files I had you move in #2 above.  UNLESS these 3 "unknown" entries are particular to a P3D install, they look like "old" files from somewhere that need to be removed from your Scenery Library list.  SOMEBODY USING P3D PLEASE VERIFY THIS FOR ME AND THE OP.


4.  If you haven't done so, download the current ORBX Libraries and install them.  If you have to, move the Scenery Library entry for them to just BELOW your Fly Tampa - Libraries entry.


If the above solves your problem, make sure you correct the Insertion Point in FTX Central for your ORBX products, and you should be good to go. If you don't get it set up correctly, future ORBX product installs will keep getting placed improperly in your Scenery Library.


When you get done, the order of your products in the Scenery Library should be (starting just below your Fly Tampa - Libraries entry):


(the current) Fly Tampa - Libraries


(the) 4 FTX_EU_NOR products


(the) 13 ORBX!OPENLC_ entries (preferably in the same order they are now in your screencap)

(the) 4 ORBX!VECTOR entries (moved BELOW the Addon Scenery entry in the Scenery Library, AND in the same order they are now)


Let us know if it works.  (It should based on only what I can see from your screencap, and unless I made any dumb typos above I've missed).  :)


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2 minutes ago, Virus_City said:

I've done some googling and the OLC_NA1, OLC_AA, and OLC_EU1, are the Orbx Global files, should those go between the Vector and OpenLC?


If that's true, that's news to me.  What exactly do you mean by "ORBX Global files"?  There are 4 Global products.  FTX Global Base (which is textures), FTX Global Vector (which is vector graphics), and the 2 FTX Global OpenLC products (Europe and North America).  The OLC_NA1, OLC_EU1, and OLC_AA entries should be taken care of by the 13 ORBX!OPENLC_(Europe1 - 10, North America1 - 2, and the Base) entries shown in your Scenery Library screencap (priority numbers 14 through 26 in your screencap).  I don't have any of those 3 files in my Scenery Library.  Like I said, I *THINK* they are older LC files that aren't part of an ORBX install anymore.


But it wouldn't be the first time I was wrong.  So somebody from ORBX may need to chime in here.

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3 minutes ago, FalconAF said:


If that's true, that's news to me.  What exactly do you mean by "ORBX Global files"?  There are 4 Global products.  FTX Global Base (which is textures), FTX Global Vector (which is vector graphics), and the 2 FTX Global OpenLC products (Europe and North America).  The OLC_NA1, OLC_EU1, and OLC_AA entries should be taken care of by the 13 ORBX!OPENLC_(Europe1 - 10, North America1 - 2, and the Base) entries shown in your Scenery Library screencap (priority numbers 14 through 26 in your screencap).  I don't have any of those 3 files in my Scenery Library.  Like I said, I *THINK* they are older LC files that aren't part of an ORBX install anymore.


But it wouldn't be the first time I was wrong.  So somebody from ORBX may need to chime in here.

It is supposedly Orbx FTX Global Base files,


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I see a scenery library that has been heavily edited.


FTX provide software that adds the correct scenery library entries into the correct locations.

It is to be found in ORBX\scripts:






Interference with the library will indeed result in the products not working correctly.

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Thanks, Stewart.  That's what I thought might be happening, but not having P3D on my computer, I didn't want to say it openly, 'cos I could have been wrong.  But the same folder structure and folders are in my FSX:Steam installation, and those 3 folders aren't "put" into my Scenery Library either.


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