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Dad again!


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I am not really allowed to tell anyone yet, but we found out this week that number two child is on the way !  :) We already have a son of 16 months. I am really excited and had to tell someone, so it may as well be the guys and girls here! She is still only 6 weeks so we have a few few weeks before I can tell friends and family. Funny thing is that this one is due on our son's second birthday  ::).

The bad news is that my desktop finally died about 4 weeks ago and the green light for a new rig and a few more ORBX airports has just turned a bright shade of red. New car is the priority now. Our current wheels struggle with the three of us plus prams etc!

Still my laptop will keep us chugging, and I do mean chugging, until things settle down.

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  • 8 months later...

Good nes Mike and a good name mate, William is my middle name after the okd man in my case i hope everyone is ok some sleepless nights in your house then ;D



Well Iain, his name is Michael, after his old man! Will and mum are great which has meant that Ed (Will's older brother of 2 yrs and 2 days) and I have been able to spend a little of time on the fence line at YSSY as he loves watching heavy metal as much as his Dad! Thank goodness there is no volcanic ash down under at the moment and the airport is still running for his amusment!

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Congratulations! I have a six month old and I never see my FSX rig hardly at all these days. When I get home form work, I spend time playing with the lad!~

Well I guess in another 6 months he can sit in the right hand seat :)

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Congrats mate, My wife and I are on baby watch as I type, on to the last few weeks until our daughter makes her entrance, so all the best, especially for all the "moments" your wife is sure to have :)

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