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Duplicated EU airports in FTX GEN?

Jon Clarke

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Is there a list of the freeware airports that may need to be removed because they clash with some of the FTX GEN airports? I have seen a couple of posts regarding trees on runways etc and it  appears that duplicated airports may be the cause. I can't check myself yet regarding the irports that come with GEN as I am still downloading. Only into my second day of downloading at 180kbps. Part 3 has 20 minutes to go then I guess the rest of this afternoon on Part 4!

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My solution was to create a new folder (Scenery-off-files) in the G:\P3D\ORBX\FTX_GLOBAL\FTX_FTXG_AIRPORTS folder and move ALL bgl-files starting with 

"ADE_FTX_FTXG_ED??.bgl" to that folder. If, in the future, there are more crashes with other airports, for other regions, I can move them there instead of renaming or setting them to off.



the Swede in Spain

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only 2 airports that need to be deactivated in the FTX_Global freeware fields to avoid a clash with FTX GEN


that's in => ,,\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\FTX_GLOBAL\FTX_FTXG_AIRPORTS\Scenery folder







just rename them to .off or move 'm to the bin






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Thanks for doing the 'legwork' on the two airports to disable. 

Perhaps the installer for N. Germany could be modified to check for those files and delete/modify them when Germany is installed, Ben?



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