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KMCO still unusable after Open LC NA Patch 1.15


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I just installed Open LC NA version 1.15 and went straight to KMCO. There are still trees all over the place, including on the taxiways. And, on runway 17L there are some patches of green grass on the runway itself. I didn't check the other runways. I am using P3D v3.2.


So, is this an Open LC issue or a Vector issue, and when may we see a patch so we can use KMCO again without running into trees?





P.S.  I also went to KIAH, and everything seems to be fixed there. Thank you!

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2 hours ago, JohnE77 said:

I just installed Open LC NA version 1.15 and went straight to KMCO. There are still trees all over the place, including on the taxiways. And, on runway 17L there are some patches of green grass on the runway itself. I didn't check the other runways. I am using P3D v3.2.


So, is this an Open LC issue or a Vector issue, and when may we see a patch so we can use KMCO again without running into trees?





P.S.  I also went to KIAH, and everything seems to be fixed there. Thank you!

I no longer see the problem at KMCO, no trees either on runways or taxiways.

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I still have an issue.  I should also report that I have off loaded my ORBX files to a larger HD and I am linking to them.  Perhaps the patch did not apply correctly.  However, I noticed some other tree issues (pre-patch) have been corrected (for me).





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Thanks, Nick, but I already had FTX directly in front of OLC ... and at the top of my list. I tried again and am having the very same issues at KMCO. (KIAH is fixed). Are you using P3D as I am? (I'm just trying to think of what may be different on our systems. I don't have any 3rd party scenery in Florida, so that can't be it).


Well, I'll keep trying a few things. Such is the life of a flight simmer!




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Howdy Nick, and thank you.


My insertions points are a reflection of yours, and have been since I can remember.  After reading your report I guess it's because I do not have vector.  No big deal, I was only reporting.  Cheers.

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