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Im Ran Khan Hassan caught red handed.

Jay Kae

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In this world where people think they can hide behind the anonimity of the Net, I am trying to make a difference. We have caught this person imrankhanhassan red handed offering Cessnock and other items via the Pirate Bay.

He was offering the software accompanied by this message:

Yet another new release for Orbx which calls YCNK Cessnock Airport. This retail installer doesn't need anything so just run the installer and enjoy the scenery..

**Make a Small Contribution**

Hi, Dear friends fsgamer is about to build a new pc which is compatible with Flight Simulator X so I need your small contribution to get it done if you like please donate me at paypal. Here is my paypal Email Address : imrankhanhassan@yahoo.com

The funniest thing about the above quote is that he is asking for money for our blood, sweat and tears so I have no reservations in crucifying him.

Going by multiple aliases FSgamer, FS7Kills and FS7 are examples of such, he should know better, being born on 7 October 1982, living in Sri Lanka. I have also got no reservations in showing you his location (click here)his location (click here). His ISP has been contacted as well and they seem to be quite willing to oblige, more on this later.

Pirates have been around since the dawn of time but that does not mean we should give up an trying to make them see the light. We are a hard working small company and every copy distributed illegally is bread and butter that is missing from our mouths.

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It's a pity you can't introduce a support system like Aerosofts AES, I think every time you send a support ticket it checks to ensure you have legit software. In Orbx's case you could check all the installed Orbx add ons. At least the dickheads can't get support.

I feel sorry for you guys  :(

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Going by multiple aliases FSgamer, FS7Kills and FS7 are examples of such, he should know better, being born on 7 October 1982, living in Sri Lanka. I have also got no reservations in showing you his location (click here)his location (click here). His ISP has been contacted as well and they seem to be quite willing to oblige, more on this later.


I know that it costs significant money to litigate if taken through all the various levels of court, but would not a hefty statement of claim served upon him through the Sri Lankan court system produce a default judgment if he does not respond. Perhaps it is worth a hundred dollars to have one drawn up and served by a local lawyer/solicitor - to make a point, prove a point and to point to a point, so to speak. This is serious stuff as your pockets well know.

Spirit Flyer

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It's a pity you can't introduce a support system like Aerosofts AES, I think every time you send a support ticket it checks to ensure you have legit software. In Orbx's case you could check all the installed Orbx add ons. At least the dickheads can't get support.

I feel sorry for you guys   :(

Trust me, we can check every order number and confirm a legit customer. We've had many attempts at support from people who don't provide an order number and they quickly slink away when asked for validation.

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I purchased the SP3 DVD from PC Aviator. And, as such, do not have an order number. Providing support can be a nightmare because these days there are so many different ways people can obtain your software. Unfortunately, some of those ways are not legitimate (read: piracy).

I do Customer Support work for a small IT company, so I speak from experience. I hate pirates with a passion. Dare I say it, I work with folks that pirate stuff every day - be it music, movies, software or whatever. I am surrounded by it. Sadly, these guys don't seem to understand that it can and does take food from many people's mouths. They justify it by saying the prices are way too high and that developers have a nerve to be charging so much. They seem incapable of comprehending that it is people such as themselves, pirating, that contributes to those very prices. These people are also against copy protection and get annoyed when companies place barriers in their way. Especially if they cannot break down those barriers and get what they want. Strangely, these same people, the very ones that I work with, do want to protect their own work and their own incomes and have no problems placing security features in to their own software. Oh the hypocracy!

I had an interesting debate just the other day with one of our company's programmers who was not happy with some of the DRM security aspects added to Vista because those security aspects were causing him some programming nightmares with the specialised audio software he was writing. The programmer then went back to his desk and proceeded to use XP to burn copies of some music and a movie off some original CDs and DVDs that someone had brought in. Again, the hypocracy!

I hate pirates! I am happy to pay for my software, music and movies. I pay full price for my stuff. I probably pay more for it than I really should be paying ... thanks to them. They laugh at me and and ridicule me when they see me paying for my wares. Then they have the cheek to ask me if I can lend it to them so they can have a copy. Grrr.

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I purchased the SP3 DVD from PC Aviator. And, as such, do not have an order number.

Dean at PCA assured me all sales would come with an order number or some form of confirmation number. I will check with Dean and update my sticky post to ensure that PCA customers have a way to provide proof of purchase ok? My apologies for the oversight.

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I purchased the SP3 DVD from PC Aviator. And, as such, do not have an order number. Providing support can be a nightmare because these days there are so many different ways people can obtain your software. Unfortunately, some of those ways are not legitimate (read: piracy).

I do Customer Support work for a small IT company, so I speak from experience. I hate pirates with a passion. Dare I say it, I work with folks that pirate stuff every day - be it music, movies, software or whatever. I am surrounded by it. Sadly, these guys don't seem to understand that it can and does take food from many people's mouths. They justify it by saying the prices are way too high and that developers have a nerve to be charging so much. They seem incapable of comprehending that it is people such as themselves, pirating, that contributes to those very prices. These people are also against copy protection and get annoyed when companies place barriers in their way. Especially if they cannot break down those barriers and get what they want. Strangely, these same people, the very ones that I work with, do want to protect their own work and their own incomes and have no problems placing security features in to their own software. Oh the hypocracy!

I had an interesting debate just the other day with one of our company's programmers who was not happy with some of the DRM security aspects added to Vista because those security aspects were causing him some programming nightmares with the specialised audio software he was writing. The programmer then went back to his desk and proceeded to use XP to burn copies of some music and a movie off some original CDs and DVDs that someone had brought in. Again, the hypocracy!

I hate pirates! I am happy to pay for my software, music and movies. I pay full price for my stuff. I probably pay more for it than I really should be paying ... thanks to them. They laugh at me and and ridicule me when they see me paying for my wares. Then they have the cheek to ask me if I can lend it to them so they can have a copy. Grrr.


I am surprised, I order from PC Aviator every now and again and always get an order number in my email. Did you order over the phone?

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Well, maybe we can't win the war, but we have to do everything possible that they can't win the war either...

Imagine - when the PC game Crysis (and some others) was released, a friend from the UK had to buy and send me a DVD because only pirated versions were available here in Thailand. Now that we have Steam things are more easy and purchasing original software is not an adventure anymore. Believe it or not, it took me more than a week to find a store which sold original copies of Windows Vista over here... Pirated Vista was available 2 weeks prior to release.

You can get any (really any) Software here for less than 4 USD. Police is raiding those places from time to time, but only to sell the confiscated DVDs themselves. Most of the software stores in Pantip Plaza (Bangkok) are owned by police - those which are not, pay tea-money.

It is absolutely normal for Asian/Third World countries to use western software for free. The authorities give a crap about.

So the only chance to fight back will be a highly sophisticated protection. Most likely very uncomfortable for the paying customer. The time might come that you need an active internet connection to run the product at all. To allow an encrypted 'device' to check your PC and communicate with big brother. Sounds like science fiction ? I don't think so... Look at Swiss internet banking for example - the customer has a pager like device which receives a new encoded number every 5 or 10 minutes (worldwide) - only with this number you are able to gain access. Impossible to crack.

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I sent John a PM about fsgamer the day it came up on Pirate bay.

I dont know if this came from that but all the same good to see and very very sad to see an AC no names on there the day after it came out.


John you said in another post you spoke to the guy who makes this amazing AC, please get him to make ativation online asap. We need you guys makeing stuff for us to play with  ;D

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XXck me the bastard has just put XXXX TODAY , stop the DVD's please... >:(

he says

"Plenty of people blame me but their still fail to bring even an addon and they should feel guilty of that. I don't care.... There are some people are available who loves me so for them I'll do my best to bring more and more addons for Flight Simulator... Have a nice flight!"


/grabs gun

/books plane to Sri Lanka

/it will stop soon

/get me a lawer

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Guest volcom1720

Can the police shut down "Pirate Bay"?

I'm sick of that website, and didnt the original owners get sentenced to jail for 2 years?

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Can the police shut down "Pirate Bay"?

I'm sick of that website, and didnt the original owners get sentenced to jail for 2 years?

LOL after all the publicity I'm sure they've seen their visitiors double, if not triple. They are trying to ban the site as a whole here in The Netherlands but we'll see. First gotta make sure that the right laws are in place.

It's quite simple, the internet has been an open shopping mall with no security guards in front of it for too long. People have gotten so used to just getting what they want that their conscious doesn't get triggered on this anymore. Governments should have stepped in 10 years earlier but they didn't do that and even now many governments don't seem to understand how tricky the whole situation is. It's one hell of a tricky situation. Good luck Orbx. :)

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Can the police shut down "Pirate Bay"?

I'm sick of that website, and didnt the original owners get sentenced to jail for 2 years?

Found on wikipedia:

The Pirate Bay trial was a joint criminal and civil prosecution in Sweden of four individuals charged for promoting the copyright infringement of others with the torrent tracking website The Pirate Bay.[1][2] The criminal charges were supported by a consortium of intellectual rights holders led by the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), who filed individual civil compensation claims against the owners of The Pirate Bay.[3]

Swedish prosecutors filed charges on 31 January 2008 against Fredrik Neij, Gottfrid Svartholm, and Peter Sunde, who ran the site; and Carl Lundström, a Swedish businessman who through his businesses sold services to the site. The prosecutor claimed the four worked together to administer, host, and develop the site and thereby facilitated other people's breach of copyright law. Some 34 cases of copyright infringements were originally listed, of which 21 were related to music files, 9 to movies, and 4 to games.[2] One case involving music files was later dropped by the copyright holder who made the file available again on the website of The Pirate Bay. In addition, claims for damages of 117 million kronor (US$13 million) were filed.[4] The case was decided jointly by a judge who was a member of several pro-copyright organisations and three appointed laymen.[5][6]

The trial started on 16 February 2009 in the district court (tingsrätt) of Stockholm, Sweden. The hearings ended on 3 March 2009 and the verdict was announced at 11:00 AM on Friday 17 April 2009: Peter Sunde, Fredrik Neij, Gottfrid Svartholm and Carl Lundström were all found guilty and sentenced to serve one year in prison and pay a fine of 30 million SEK (app. €2.7 million or USD 3.5 million). All the defendants have appealed the verdict.

Though the owners have been brought to justice, the website is still running.

To all at Orbx, i support you in the fight against piracy at FTX.

I have never pirate FTX products and till the day I die I won't. You people have the greatest team of people working together, its not worth this great community being destroyed by 'pirates' sabotaging your work.

Good luck,

Mitchell Williamson

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I find it really sad that these pirates would want to profit from the hard work of others.

They also want to enjoy and be entertained without paying for the software. This is a big problem in my DJ business. People downloading music for free and then telling customers that they have over 40K songs. They should be ashamed of themselves!

I'm sort of new to Orbx, but not new to flight simulator. I graduated Aviation High School back in 1985. Over the years I've spent a great deal of money to try to create an enjoyable simulator. Thanks to Win 7, my new hardware, FSX (SP2) and all the great add ons, I now enjoy a flight without leaving my home.

What these thieves are doing is putting excellent developers out of business. No one want to be in business if their work is being stolen. No matter how much passion they have, they have to pay their bills.

Orbx, hang in there and develop ways to protect the unique software that you offer. You have the support of you great community.

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If you have a cheap $40 great quality product and, say, 50 torrent it it will make FTX loose $2000 which could be spent on the imagery for another airport package. What these people are doing to you is absolutely disgusting. John and all the developers here at Orbx and other (OzX etc.) spend there own time dedicating to the development of scenery.

Around Orbx a community has been built, without Orbx we would be flying in a Australian desert that looks like a 5 year old did it. People of all ages, 10 year olds to 80 year olds all are brought together by Orbx. Sadly people like Im Ran Khan Hassan (fsgamer) want to ruin the fun and experience. Your amazing staff, scenery and community is truly outstanding.

Thanks Orbx and good luck for the future.

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jaykae i am from Sri lanka myself but in canada now i tell you  i go to his house and kick his ass myself how dare he put that stuff on torrent that thief plus internet is so slow and crap in Sri lanka nobody could of download from him anyways

shameful that idoit from own country doing this

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Wont repeat what everyone has said but  "ditto"  "Ditto"  "Ditto" . I am not very internet savvy other than being a user; is'nt there someway that for instance, a beneficiant "Robin Hood" hacker could put the Sri Lankan off-line or something?? One is permitted to fight piracy with the same weapons that pirates use. Please let me know how you get on "infesting" his pooter Maurice.

Notice my signature shows only the main "colour" programs; I do not have pirate copies of anything on my pooter.


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In this world where people think they can hide behind the anonimity of the Net, I am trying to make a difference. We have caught this person imrankhanhassan red handed offering Cessnock and other items via the Pirate Bay.

He was offering the software accompanied by this message:

Yet another new release for Orbx which calls YCNK Cessnock Airport. This retail installer doesn't need anything so just run the installer and enjoy the scenery..

**Make a Small Contribution**

Hi, Dear friends fsgamer is about to build a new pc which is compatible with Flight Simulator X so I need your small contribution to get it done if you like please donate me at paypal. Here is my paypal Email Address : imrankhanhassan@yahoo.com

The funniest thing about the above quote is that he is asking for money for our blood, sweat and tears so I have no reservations in crucifying him.

Going by multiple aliases FSgamer, FS7Kills and FS7 are examples of such, he should know better, being born on 7 October 1982, living in Sri Lanka. I have also got no reservations in showing you his location (click here)his location (click here). His ISP has been contacted as well and they seem to be quite willing to oblige, more on this later.

Pirates have been around since the dawn of time but that does not mean we should give up an trying to make them see the light. We are a hard working small company and every copy distributed illegally is bread and butter that is missing from our mouths.

Call the USAF - ask if they have a drone in the vicinity and use his house for target practice.


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Just for the record you have my support 100% over. Im only 17 earning a small $12 an hour or $16 today (sunday) and even I can manage to pay the small cents Orbx asks.

FFS Grow up you pirates...


As an apprentice chef I earn $7.98 p/h, if I can afford to buy these addons and to run a car, anyone can

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Excuse my approximate English.

As many other developers of addons for FS, I was hacked by this filth from the sale of the scene of the Pic du Midi.

If you have additional information on this pirate, thank you to send me a PM.


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How does this work?

"According to gaming company Global Gaming Factory X, it is in the the process of acquiring The Pirate Bay for $7.8m (SEK 60 million). The acquisition is scheduled to be completed by August and will see the site launch new business models to compensate content providers and copyright owners."


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Hi all,

All I can say is RIGHT ON ! He should be made INTERPOLS poster boy for software piracy and made to swamp the cess buckets in some prison with videos of his miserable life posted weekly on youtube so we can all laugh at his sorry but and watch him cry for stealing from honest hardworking developers. Great scenery Graham, looking forward to your next release, I'll be buying that too. :)

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All designers and developers should contact addons WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization):


explaining that the ISP - http://www.dialog.lk - email: dbn_isp_abuse@dialog.lk - explaining that the ISP of the attacker ignore our warning mails


PS : His blog - http://fsgamer.blogspot.com/ - was shut down by Google after our request.

Through collective action and if we give them the means, it is possible to silence forever this sad individual

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I agree.

Send his info to the US army and drone his house.

He ain't a human because if he was he would have had a brain to tell him not to do wrong things. If he was human he would have understood you do not steal another man's food.

He must be animal, a stray animal giving trouble are put down. Time the same is done with software thief's like these  :-X

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He could be in Kandy. What you have there might be the location of where the IP's are registered which will probably be the ISP's address.

You can't track someone with an IP people unless you are physically connected to them and know the routes, even then unless your probably working for ASIO or the NSA it's going to be difficult... Generally the IPs are not registered to the CPE (customer premise equipment ) they are registered to the actual ISP.

What normally happens is the police will go to the ISP with an IP and they then hand over the person details and address information. That's the easiest way to have a chat to people like this. That's generally how the Australian police do it. Much much easier. I know I worked in an ISP department for a couple of years.

So in fact he might be in Kandy, but the ISP might be in Colombo.

My guess as to what you have there Jay is the ISP and not him.

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Freddy, I am surprised, I order from PC Aviator every now and again and always get an order number in my email. Did you order over the phone?

I am lucky that I live quite close to the PC Aviator store here in Melbourne, Australia.  I am able to drive there and purchase products directly.  I have a receipt and PC Aviator would have a record of my purchase.

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Dean at PCA assured me all sales would come with an order number or some form of confirmation number. I will check with Dean and update my sticky post to ensure that PCA customers have a way to provide proof of purchase ok? My apologies for the oversight.

No need to apologise John.  But I thought it was worth my mentioning in case.  I suppose because I can drive to PC Aviator and purchase directly, it is a "one-off" kind of thing.  As mentioned in my other post above, PC Aviator have provided a receipt for my purchase.  Whilst I checked the details it contains for the correct quoted price etc, I didn't look specifically for an order number.  It may very well be on there.  PC Aviator certainly will have record of the purchase.  PC Aviator do a fantastic job!

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He was offering the software accompanied by this message:

Yet another new release for Orbx which calls YCNK Cessnock Airport. This retail installer doesn't need anything so just run the installer and enjoy the scenery..

His comment of "This retail installer doesn't need anything so just run the installer and enjoy the scenery" probably explains why this product was on the torrents so quickly.  No skill was needed by the pirate to "crack" the protection scheme because apparently there is no protection scheme.

I think Orbx is inviting even "casual" pirates to steal their products by making it so easy, nothing to "crack"!

Even Microsoft's retail products require activation.  Its expected nowadays.  I think Orbx should implement activation on all products, retail or download.

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Matthew you made several repeated posts at AVSIM on how you were concerned that your right to activate your purchased Orbx software had supposedly been taken from you by the forum closure, when in fact the installers are produced by FSS and tied to their validation servers. You certainly helped create the impression we were doing the wrong thing there, which has not gone unnoticed by me. A simple execution of the installer would have immediately allayed your fears.

With respect to activation, I think we will actually head in the opposite direction and make our products less intrusive to install, but easier for us to track theft. No one likes complex protection schemes, me included. But if abused serial numbers are detectable and cause product lockout that will in fact be much more effective.

Rest assured we will find the best solution with the least inconvenience to our paying customers.

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mstyles - Unfortunatley desiging and implementing the software as well as the business processes to authenticate a product costs money and doesnt seem to deter crackers. In some cases it is more of a challenge. True, it could deter the casual hacker but in the larger sceheme of things the result is the same and the software developers are even further out of pocket and ultimately measn you the valid consumer would foot the bill.

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