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NZCH and scenery complexity


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Has anyone been getting really low fps around Christchurch? I get around 20 to 30 less frames when the airport buildings are visible (Scenery complexity >= normal), and am unsure how to reduce this impact.

Any ideas are appreciated .



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Hey thanks for the response.


Yeah i started this topic as the previous ones didnt have any other solutions bar a hotfix, however that hotfix unfortunately didnt change anything performance wise for me. I have noticed however that the International Antarctic Center causes a large drop in fps but disabling it still results in low fps, just not as low.



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ah thats a shame. So fps problems are common for this airport? Also jjaycee, do you have the Antarctic Center at Christchurch on your sim? A friend ahs the exact same version of Orbx but that building isnt on his one. 


I still get ~30 fps at christchurch so i can still fly there. Was hoping to get those 20-30 frames back though :)

Also, is your decrease in fps mainly when looking at or near the airport, or all over Chch? as mine seems to be primarily due to the airport (buildings?).


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Funnily enough I flew out of NZCH last night for the first time and my FPS was about 15-20 when its normally rock sold at 30 locked all over New Zealand north and south island.  Bear in mind I have stock NZCH but payware NZQN and get better frames at Queenstown.

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