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Radar Contact

John York

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9 hours ago, JohnY said:

Ah.  I see Sniper.  Thanks for that information.  I thought it might be something to do with running a machine for somebody else.  So I was on the wrong track completely. 


Not unusual.


Bloody computer speak.  I'll never understand it!



Happy to hear you got it sorted John. Happy flying!

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Thanks for the tip about '1' Kevin.    I really must print those key numbers out from the guide.  I wondered why I couldn't set the heading bug properly until I got it up!:-[






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My experience of PF3 is terrible!    I've only managed to get it working two or three times.   Most of the time I have to go back to LM ATC to get a flight in.  At least it actually works.


The forum has turned out to be useless.  Plenty of reads but no answers.  Dave March doesn't seem to know what's wrong either. 


I've tried a few relevent suggestions found in questions and answers which haven't had any effect so all in all this ATC has turned out to be a disaster for me and I'm out of patience with it.


So, I'm going to uninstall it and look for something else.   It'll probably be Radar Contact.  At least its

reliable...or it was.



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Hi John,


really sorry to hear that you've had no joy getting PF3 working - seems you've fallen into a very small number of people that've hit some kind of wall unlike the many hundreds - nay, thousands - that are enjoying the product.  I must say that if DM is unable to figure out what your problem was then it's possibly something quite unique to your set-up.  I think your statement of the forum being useless is a little sweeping but if that's your experience....


Anyway, it's not a cheap product by any stretch of the imagination and with the problem(s) that you've been unlucky enough to encounter, I'd suggest you sent DM an email with your activation number and request a refund ;)


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Hi Kevin


This is the response from Dave to me last error report; 'Well I don't know about PF3 but in FS there's an option to prevent that'.


I suppose this is his idea of being helpful.


As for the forum.  I've mentioned I think three topics.  Although I've ticked for the replies to be sent to me automatically, no 

replies have been received so I've had to go to the forum for the couple where replies were made.


I've been looking for an alternative ATC but haven't had a lot of success there either.  I don't think Radar Contact do a version that's suitable for P3D3.3.5. or Windows 10 so I'm a bit stymied at present.  No doubt something will come up sometime in the future.











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7 hours ago, CPCCEO said:

No.  But I do run RC on my second computer over a network through WideFS, in case that matters.

Actually, that does indeed matter, as that is how I always run it. So, THANK YOU for confirming that :)

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Hi Bruce.


 'But I do run RC on my second computer over a network through WideFS, in case that matters'


But does it work on the same computer as the flight sim'?  ie with W10 and P3Dv3.3.5.



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On 7/31/2016 at 10:48 AM, JohnY said:

Hi Bruce.


 'But I do run RC on my second computer over a network through WideFS, in case that matters'


But does it work on the same computer as the flight sim'?  ie with W10 and P3Dv3.3.5.




Can anyone verify this and the settings involved?


I agree with John on PF3. It does work sometimes but detecting the specific circumstances is difficult. I used Radar Contact a long time ago when it was supported. It worked ok. But to rely on it may be a fools errand. Changes in P3D and Windows may eventually negate it and thus it becomes useless with no support. The safer route is to get PF3 working and hope it remains a supported product.

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