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KPSP, 74S, & KBLU ???

Stan V

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Using the links provided in today's Release Notes, I located, downloaded and installed the three new P3D-v3 installers (KPSP, 74S, and KBLU) intending the resulting files to go into my P3D-v3 installation.  The first thing I noticed is that I was not asked or told where the installed files should go, and the installer text did not mention P3D-v3.  The installers all ran or seemed to run to completion but then to check further, I ran FTX Central 2 and selected the Prepar3D-v3 file option.  NONE of the three new files made the trip, i.e., under the category of North America, the three new airports were all listed as NOT being installed.  Where did I go wrong?


Stan V


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G'day Stan,


Do you have any other sims currently installed (P3Dv2, FSX etc)? Either way, could you please run a  Diagnostic Report by going into FTX Central v2 > Settings > Troubleshooting > Diagnostic Reporter, run the process and then paste the code into your reply? 




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Hello Stan,


Before you continue down this path, you appear to have an unresolved problem

which is covered in this topic.

If one installer cannot be made to work, you need to address and solve the problem

before you attempt to install another three products.


@Jarrad...for me the diagnostic report reader has been U/S for several weeks.

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Nick, consider this issue at leased partially addressed (I really need to buy a larger C-drive) - mostly by your informed advice.  Thank you very much.  The problem has been solved for all three of the new scenery files I was having problems with, and you were absolutely right.  I ran afoul of the limited free space on my C-drive and got past it only by moving my Temp and Tmp directories over to my G-drive which has more than a terabyte of free space.  As you correctly surmised in that other problem, the same solution also worked over there to allow me to successfully install Larry Robinson's CAC8 Water Aerodrome scenery.


Stan V    

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From memory the file name for the new Kpsp does not include "NA" in it. 

ie. FTXNAKPSP therefore it doesn't show in the NA region in central.  After I installed it it shows under Global.     Most other pay ware fields include "NA" within the main file name.   I think the same app.ies to Kblu

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