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New Zealand problem


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I have both NZ North and South. On a flight from NZPM to NZNR the start time was 11:35 AM local. I took a heading of 027 following the beam from VOR NR, freq. 113.8 at 5,500 feet. About 10 minutes into the flight, the sim paused and a window came up saying it was loading scenery. It took about two minutes and then the sim continued. It did this one more time, but for a very short duration. Then at about 35 minutes into the flight it did it again but this time when it was done and the sim continued, it was dark outside and the local time read 02:35 AM. I was about 17 miles Southwest of NZNR when this happened. I reset the time to daytime again and continued. After a touch and go at NZNR, I took up a heading of 299 to go to NZAP using the NR VOR as a guide at 6,500 feet.  After about 10 minutes or so it happened again with the scenery loading and the time going back to night time. The location was aprox.S39*11:00 and E176*33

Flying around NZ I often get scenery upload pauses of short durations, but these two seem really strange.

Any thoughts on this?



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Most odd! I flew the same flight (according to your instructions) - with the same time of day, altitude, radial etc. - but with dynamic weather turned off. Absolutely no problem at all. I didn't see any visible scenery loads at any stage. In fact - it was a really pleasant trip as it's really quite a scenic route. I must say, ORBX models all that "green stuff" in NZ beautifully. On arrival at NZNR, I did a bit of "recreational" whizzing around and remained trouble-free.


However - this is in P3Dv3, which I think manages scenery much better than in FSX. I just don't see any progressive pop-ups like I used to have in FSX. All in all, I think its memory management is much better, so everything is very gradual and smooth. I have to add that my P3D lives on an SSD drive, so that may also help.


Are you in FSX or P3D? Is your season set correctly? I can't see why you're getting this behaviour - as your flight is all in NZNI. Is this problem repeatable?


What are your texture, LOD and mesh settings?



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Hi Howard,

Sounds like the file system is heavily fragmented. Do you have SSD drives or HDD drives, if installed on a HDD I wonder if  defragmentation might help. Please do not attempt to defrag an SSD drive - Use "TRIM" for SSD drives.  "O&O defrag" is a great Utility for defragmenting HDD's and TRIM for SSD's,  I use the "COMPLETE/Name" method to defrag my HDD's using O&O.

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Hi Howard,


spontaneous reloading of scenery doesn't usually happen in the sim. However, remember that NZ is quite close to the dateline so perhaps you're using a setting or add-on that affects local sim time and thus prompts it into believing you've changed the day/date, which might trigger such a re-load.


Cheers, Holger

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17 minutes ago, Holger Sandmann said:

spontaneous reloading of scenery doesn't usually happen in the sim. However, remember that NZ is quite close to the dateline so perhaps you're using a setting or add-on that affects local sim time and thus prompts it into believing you've changed the day/date, which might trigger such a re-load.


Howard - if your start time was 11:35am, it's possible that by the time you taxied and took off, that the time of your problem occurred at exactly mid-day. Maybe Holger's on to something. Some external application kicking in and maybe setting your time to midnight <??>.


Are your latitude settings set to Southern/Eastern?



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Adam, Holger, Jeff,

First of all I am using P3Dv3.2.3.16769

I don't think it matters, but I am flying the MJ C-47.

This happens only when flying on line using my VA's private server. Our server also supplies real time wx. I can and have duplicated this scenario several times including this morning again, but only when flying on line. I have tried it off line and this does not happen.

I set FTX Central to Oceania

I live in the US Eastern time zone.

Start P3D with the time my local was 09:00/13:00 Z on 5/28/2016

Under time and season I select Reset To System Time

I start P3D at my local airport.

I change Airport to NZPM and the season changes  from Spring Day to Fall Day

Click OK

When the scenario starts, and I am ready for take off, my Z clock reads 13:15, my Eastern US time is 09:15 and the clock on the aircraft panel reads 09:15. I take off and climb to 5,500 feet on a heading of 027, inbound to the VOR NR at Napier, freq. 113.8.

At 22 minutes into the flight the sim screen goes black and a P3D window comes up saying Loading Terrain Data with a green status bar at the bottom. It takes about a minute or two for the bar to travel all across, then that window goes away and the sim window comes back on, but now it is night time and the panel clock reads 00:37.

I make a left turn at the NR VOR and take a heading of 299 and dial in the NDB at NZAP, Taupo freq 230 and fly direct there. In another 20 minutes or so the same thing happens and I lose another two hours on the panel clock.

Since this seems to only happen while I am flying on line using our VA's private server, you might say it has something to do with our server. However, there are always about 12 other pilots flying with me and this does not happen to them. Also, New Zealand is the only place that I have ever seen this.  The above scenario is an example of what has happened to me on several recent flights in New Zealand, not just this location.



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Hi Howard,


I think Holger's thoughts / link would be the best option. I had a similar idea to Holger, do you have FSUIPC, and if you do, in the FSUIPC "Miscellaneous" tab, there is a checkbox for "Keep FS Clock Sync'd" un-check this box, as it can also cause mid-flight sim reload, (not sure about time shifting though).

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