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ESSA no ground texture

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I bought the ESSA Scenery and tried to install a few times as I had a couple of problem installing it but after a day or two I managed to get It installed but found the problem that aroun T5F

and the taxiways around it but also the whole of runway 8/26 would be really happy to get an answer.

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It seems like the problem is to do with your flight simulator not showing the transparency in the textures for some reason.

You said you had big issues installing, what was the problems during installation? Maybe something went wrong there. It should not be hard to install at all so any complications seems worrying.


Also, do you have this issue at other airports? Might not always be as obvious as on this one as we are using lot's of different layers of transparent textures. 

In that case it could be something with your graphic card drivers that should be updated/reinstalled.



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I Don't have this problem with other airports and now I even see black squares around the airport although when I last loaded the game I got a message to exit the game and remove Aerosoft Mega Airport Heathrow Xtended?

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Hm? Did the simulator tell you to exit and remove Aerosoft Heathrow?

I've got no idea what might cause that. 


The issue you seem to have with Arlanda is a bit tricky as it seems like the simulator does not read the transparency in the textures, which it should be able to and as the textures shows (even if not correctly) it seems like the textures are intact.

I'll ask my colleagues if anyone know how to approach that. 

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Have you tried disabling some stuff in the config tool? Another big thing might be the autogen if you have it set to the higher options (we are looking in to reducing the amount of trees for the service pack, for now we recommend keeping autogen on midlevel if having issues). There is also a low resolution package available that we will also include as an option in the service pack, that might level off some stress on the computer but with not that big visual difference.

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Here are instructions for the lowres package. It will be included in the config tool with the service pack but if you can't wait here is what to do.

Here is a download link to the texture pack:



Install instructions:

1. Unzip the content to a temporary folder.

2. Take the content of the "1024" folder and copy paste into FSX/ORBX/FTX_Global/FTX_AA_ESSA/Texture

3. Press "Yes" when asked to replace files.


This will downsize all textures in the scenery from mainly 2048 textures to 1024 or less, and will save you lot's of VAS.

To go back to the original texture set, just reinstall the scenery.


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