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John York

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Can someone tell me please that after having produced (out of the blue) Norway, if it is the company's intention to produce Denmark, so linking it to the rest of Europe via Germany?  And then Sweden?


And, if so, has an estimated time been scheduled?





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It is my belief that the OpenLC line of products will take over from regions.  I had asked the other day about Iceland and whether they would update the OpenLC Iceland Demo, and the response was that OpenLC Europe covers that area already, as well as the British Isles.



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Open LC does indeed cover the UK and Ireland.

It rearranges the textures but does nothing to the coastlines, the mesh

and nor does it provide any POIs or landmarks.

I said that Open LC Europe includes what was the Iceland demo which is something

else altogether.

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I recall an early idea connecting Norway to Germany via kind of a corridor to enable flying throughout. However, as Jim states, I am pretty sure this idea has been abandoned in view of OpenLC Europe being in place and we will get rid of any switching (hopefully soon).


If memory serves me right, the plan was to add Italy after Germany, thus any further European Regions will be certainly a couple of years into the future - given the present Region scheme will stay in force at all.


Kind regards, Michael

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To be honest, regardless of what land textures are up that way, they are amazing.  I frequently fly a short haul route from EKCH to ESSA (compliments of ORBX) and I can see that awesome bridge connecting Denmark with Sweden.  The Swedish ladnscape is beautiful just the way it is now. :)


Sorry Nick if I misquoted you.  As I see the textures are different than Global but as you say, it doesn't change the coastlines, which is really no biggie for me personally.



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