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Sea Plane and Olso Sea base

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Two questions;

Does anyone know please why Oslo Sea Plane base shows a runway maker line and Ants Sea Sky doesn't

actually move on the water?


Incidentally, that aircraft works very well on the Bristol Channel so I know its not the 'plane.




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That's very strange because the only things I've got in Scandinavia are the default P3Dv3.2 (of course) and Orbx Norway.  It doesn't matter but I'm curious.   I wonder how far from the coast Orbx stretches?





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Yes, I think that's the one Nick.  The aircraft sits on the water with the yellow runway marker looking towards the land.  It looks as if its in a bay.  I didn't take too much notice 'cos I couldn't get the 'plane to move.



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OK - I'm checking out my Orbx Scenery installation at the moment.  Then I'll have another look.  It'll be a day or so.



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Yes, but  it's titled 'ENFI Tornebu Seaplane Base'  when I bring up Oslo in the 'sim.


What's more worrying is that now I've re-installed Global and Europe Landclass I can get no action from any water.  I tried to land/take off on the sea just off the coast of San Sebastion and it was if I was on solid ground.  There was no drag or spray and the 'plane wouldn't even move forward.




PS - Sorry.  This is becoming like a bad serial I know!   I've isolated the problem to Ants Seasky.  The Kodiak Floatplane works just fine and gives the water effects properly.


So, we're left with the fact I've got a Seaplane Base in Norway that I perhaps shouldn't have.  Can't complain about that!  But in exchange, I've got a useful little seaplane I can't really use any more.


I'll see what Ant has to say about that if I can locate him.



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