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Almost no Trees at Tulluride


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Thanks to the observation of John Lovell and Jarrad Marshall I have become aware of an issue with no trees at Telluride. I have followed Jarrad's advice and re-installed orbxlibs 160321 and cycled the groups in Central V2 many times as well as restarting FSX many times but nothing changes.
The odd thing is that outside of Telluride area I seem to have normal trees. So I'm logging this support request as I am not sure what to try next.
The following two screen shots show the trees as I enter the Telluride from the North into Ouray. Then once inside the coverage area, trees just show as ground cover or bushes.
Please follow the following link to more supporting screenshots and comments.



For some reason the last 5 screenshots don't show in the link above, so I have created a new link for these as they are perhaps more important.


Cheers Anton.
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Hi Anton, 


You've definitely got an out-of-date autogen descriptions file by the looks of it. Could you go to your steamapps\common\FSX\autogen folder, and check the "date modified" and "date created" for autogendescriptions.spb - you can do this by right-clicking the file and selecting properties. Let me know the dates and we can take it from there. 




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Good Morning (evening) Jarrad, Here are the dates you asked for. I have also included my fsx:se settings as this may help.

Note: The creation date of 25/06/2015 is the date of my last FSX:SE system build. Now I wonder about the effects of doing a Steam "Verify integrity of game cache" that I did on 31-03-2016 because of trouble I was having with an addon plane. At the time the verify reported replacing 8,414 files, which I assume reverts them back to the files as they were at the build date.

Unfortunately I don't know what files were affected.


If it helps, here is a list of my installed products via Central V2 report:




Autogen files.....



Display Settings.....






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G'day Anton, 


Thanks for the info - looks like the autogendescriptions.spb is up-to-date. Next up, could you do a quick spot-check of the autogen trees at the following airports (presuming you have them activated - judging by your FTX-Central report):







We just need a quick check to make sure that there are full autogen trees visible at these airports - they all use custom variants and may help pinpoint the issue further.


If you could also go to FSX\scenery\global\scenery and confirm that you have the file Westsim_AGN_CO.bgl in there, that would be great. 




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6 hours ago, Jarrad Marshall said:

G'day Anton, 


Thanks for the info - looks like the autogendescriptions.spb is up-to-date. Next up, could you do a quick spot-check of the autogen trees at the following airports (presuming you have them activated - judging by your FTX-Central report):







We just need a quick check to make sure that there are full autogen trees visible at these airports - they all use custom variants and may help pinpoint the issue further.


If you could also go to FSX\scenery\global\scenery and confirm that you have the file Westsim_AGN_CO.bgl in there, that would be great. 





As requested, the file Westsim_AGN_CO.bgl in where it should be.



After checking, all four Airports show almost the same issue as Telluride. (see screenshots below)



Here is a screenshot taken in the Yellowstone area about a week ago prior to installing Telluride. Never noticed a issue with trees up until now.



Hope this helps, Cheers Anton.

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G'day Anton, 


That all confirms what I thought may be the case. I'm not sure exactly why it's not displaying as the files all look in place, but here's the next thing to try;


1. Download the attached file, unzip it. 

2. Go to your FSX/Autogen folder, back up autogendescriptions.spb by renaming it to autogendescriptions.spb.original

3. Drop the replacement autogendescriptions.spb from the zip file into the autogen folder.


See if that fixes your issue - let me know. 





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23 hours ago, Jarrad Marshall said:



13 hours ago, Jarrad Marshall said:

G'day Anton, 


That all confirms what I thought may be the case. I'm not sure exactly why it's not displaying as the files all look in place, but here's the next thing to try;


1. Download the attached file, unzip it. 

2. Go to your FSX/Autogen folder, back up autogendescriptions.spb by renaming it to autogendescriptions.spb.original

3. Drop the replacement autogendescriptions.spb from the zip file into the autogen folder.


See if that fixes your issue - let me know. 






Ok thanks for that Jarrad however it made no difference. So I have done a bit more investigation and found that the problem is only in FTX NA Airports that are not in a region. Here are the results of my findings below....


Trees effected >>>>>>>>>>>
Global - NA
KTEX Telluride, - Spring time. trees not ok
KTEX Telluride, - Fall time. trees not ok
KMRY Monterey at extreme autogen (5)
Northern edge of airport, these shadows should be trees.
Global - Pacific
NSTU still no trees under power lines
Trees not effected >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Global - CNK4 Parry Sound, trees ok
Europe - EU
EDVY Porta Westfalica, trees ok
Ocenia - AU
YPJT Jandakot, trees ok
YSTW Tamworth, trees ok
YSTW Tamworth, aerial view
YSTW Tamworth, aerial view - plenty of trees

Hope this helps, Cheers Anton.

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G'day Anton,


Your findings all make sense, however the direct cause is that the airports with missing trees are the ones that use custom vegetation types. The only trees visible in your shots are types present in the default FSX (unmodified) autogendescriptions.spb. KTEX, KEGE, KSEZ, KPSP, NSTU and Tapini are the airports that use custom vegetation types, whilst the NZ & UK regions also use primarily custom types. The NCA region uses approx 50% custom types, hence why you see some autogen at KMRY though not all. 


Given that you technically have all the correct files in place, I suspect the cause may be one of the following;


1. Security/permission settings - just make sure your FSX Steam folder has the correct settings enabled in order for you to modify/edit files. I'm not sure what version of Windows you are running, but on my system these can be set by right clicking the root FSX folder>properties>security>edit.

2. Do you have any reference to FTX-A left on your system after rebuilding FSX-SE last year?

3. When you ran the FSX-SE repair tool in March (to fix that issue with the other addon), you would have inadvertently replaced any updated/modified core files with their original FSX versions. 





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1 hour ago, Jarrad Marshall said:

G'day Anton,


Your findings all make sense, however the direct cause is that the airports with missing trees are the ones that use custom vegetation types. The only trees visible in your shots are types present in the default FSX (unmodified) autogendescriptions.spb. KTEX, KEGE, KSEZ, KPSP, NSTU and Tapini are the airports that use custom vegetation types, whilst the NZ & UK regions also use primarily custom types. The NCA region uses approx 50% custom types, hence why you see some autogen at KMRY though not all. 


Given that you technically have all the correct files in place, I suspect the cause may be one of the following;


1. Security/permission settings - just make sure your FSX Steam folder has the correct settings enabled in order for you to modify/edit files. I'm not sure what version of Windows you are running, but on my system these can be set by right clicking the root FSX folder>properties>security>edit.

2. Do you have any reference to FTX-A left on your system after rebuilding FSX-SE last year?

3. When you ran the FSX-SE repair tool in March (to fix that issue with the other addon), you would have inadvertently replaced any updated/modified core files with their original FSX versions. 






Thanks again for your interest, Jarrad. 


1. I tried this option and set all files to "Full" access. I use W10 64bit btw. However this made no difference.

2. Not sure what you refer to as FTX-A, but at that time I had replaced the Boot drive after a SSD failure. So there was definitely nothing left on the system. And then as now I only have one sim - FSX:SE.

3. This is definitely more of a worry. I was under the impression that this lack of tree issue only occured since I installed KTEX but I have now checked my screenshot archicves and found the one below that was taken at KEGE on the 7th of this month (I installed KTEX on the 18th). This means that the issue of lack of trees went un-noticed until John Lovett spotted it in my screenies a few days ago.




Now it probably means a new build is the only way forward for me, unless there is a miracle cure that someone can offer me (please!!!). Such a pity when as the system runs like a dream otherwise. If only I could live without the trees, but who could.


I will ask though, is it plausible that re-installing FTX software, like Global base may restore my install to overcome this problem.


I would like to thank you for your patience and help and apologise for any shadow that was cast on your wonderful rendition of Telluride.

Cheers Anton.

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No worries at all Anton, 


Now that your permissions settings are up-to-date, before going any further it might be worth updating your ORBXlibs again. Rather than doing this automatically through FTX-C, I'd suggest downloading the full ORBXlibs installer from Fullterrain.com just to be safe. Once they're installed, don't forget to cycle FTX-C again to force the changes through.




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22 minutes ago, Jarrad Marshall said:

No worries at all Anton, 


Now that your permissions settings are up-to-date, before going any further it might be worth updating your ORBXlibs again. Rather than doing this automatically through FTX-C, I'd suggest downloading the full ORBXlibs installer from Fullterrain.com just to be safe. Once they're installed, don't forget to cycle FTX-C again to force the changes through.





Good thought, I had cycled the regions in Central V2 a few times to see if this had an effect and it didn't. Unfortunately your last suggestion I already did it this way yesterday when you said I should re-install the orbx libs.


Cheers for now, and thanks again. Anton. 

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18 hours ago, Jarrad Marshall said:

3. When you ran the FSX-SE repair tool in March (to fix that issue with the other addon), you would have inadvertently replaced any updated/modified core files with their original FSX versions. 





Hi Jarrad, last night I had an afterthought that perhaps my lack of autogen trees has always existed at NA Global airports and sure enough when I checked back beyond the FSX-SE repair I have found that indeed this problem has always been with me. Check the two photos below


FTX promo shot of KEGE



Screenshot I took the day I installed KEGE on the 1st Sep 2015 clearly showing that I had a lack of autogen trees back then.



So this raises a new question. What is the issue and am I the only one with this experience. It does only happen with US Global Airports and why not at Parry sound which is a Global Airport?


And what can I do to isolate the cause. I certainly don't want to go through the long process (weeks at least) of re-building my FSX platform only to find the issue with autogen trees is still with me.


Please confer with other team members on this as this as you can understand will put a hold on my planed future purchases in my wish list as I feel I can't move forward until it is resolved.


I would love to hear from any other forum member if they have similar issues, especially those with a Steam version of FSX. Hopefully I'm not alone in this.


Cheers Anton.

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G'day Anton,


A quick explainer on your points;


1. The cause of your autogen vegetation issue is autogendescriptions.spb. This is the core file in FSX that controls and groups all autogen vegetation types. Any new veg types introduced by a product (ORBX or third-party) must be referenced in this file - it's clear from your screenshots that you only have the original default version of this file, as no updated types are displaying at all.

2. As I mentioned above, the products which will be affected by this cannot be grouped into Global/Non-Global airports, rather they are solely the airports/regions which use custom agn veg types. KSEZ, KEGE, KTEX, KPSP, NSTU, Tapini all have custom autogen types. The NCA, SCA, UK and NZ regions all have (either full or partial) use of custom types too, so any airports within these regions (KMRY is one example) are also susceptible to issues. Other airports use default types, hence why you won't have issues at Parry Sound (for example). 

3. All edits made by ORBX to autogendescriptions are shipped through our ORBXlibs update - re-installing a specific airport will not effect this file. 

4. Whilst it's common to see missing autogen in user screenshots, this is always a result of an out-of-date ORBXlibs or the user not re-cycling FTX-C to activate the updates. This is always fixed by running the appropriate steps - you are the only case I've personally come across with problems with autogendescriptions.spb. 


So, back to the solutions I suggested yesterday;

1. Just to clarify, when I asked for you to change your permission settings, this doesn't fix any file issues per-se. What it does do, is enable any files to no longer be blocked from updating (ie when you try to replace a file with a newer version), thereby paving the way for new versions to be installed without problems.

22 hours ago, antonvs said:

Unfortunately your last suggestion I already did it this way yesterday when you said I should re-install the orbx libs.

2. Just RE above quote, you will need to download the full Libs again, as you originally installed these prior to making the security/permissions changes. Now that your permissions are set correctly, download/run ORBXlibs, then cycle FTX-C again.

3. If you run any kind of anti-virus, make sure that this isn't effecting your security/permissions too. If it is, once you have resolved that issue, run ORBXlibs and cycle FTX-C again.


Lastly, and most importantly, I am fairly certain that running the repair tool (or "verify game cache" in FSX:SE) will be one of the core problems here, and potentially may be causing other issues you have yet to discover. As discussed with you last year, we recommend not running this tool as it replaces updated core files with the FSX:SE original files. If the above suggestions don't fix your issue, I would suggest re-installing your core FTX products again (Global, A couple of regions, ORBXlibs, any vector/mesh/landclass products you own). 







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Thank you Jarrad for your detailed post and patience with me. I will do a full download and new install of the libs, and the other FTX products as you suggest. This is a far better option that a complete rebuild. I will report back, cheers for now. Anton

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On 4/22/2016 at 2:29 PM, Jarrad Marshall said:

G'day Anton,


So, back to the solutions I suggested yesterday;

1. Just to clarify, when I asked for you to change your permission settings, this doesn't fix any file issues per-se. What it does do, is enable any files to no longer be blocked from updating (ie when you try to replace a file with a newer version), thereby paving the way for new versions to be installed without problems.

2. Just RE above quote, you will need to download the full Libs again, as you originally installed these prior to making the security/permissions changes. Now that your permissions are set correctly, download/run ORBXlibs, then cycle FTX-C again.

3. If you run any kind of anti-virus, make sure that this isn't effecting your security/permissions too. If it is, once you have resolved that issue, run ORBXlibs and cycle FTX-C again.


Lastly, and most importantly, I am fairly certain that running the repair tool (or "verify game cache" in FSX:SE) will be one of the core problems here, and potentially may be causing other issues you have yet to discover. As discussed with you last year, we recommend not running this tool as it replaces updated core files with the FSX:SE original files. If the above suggestions don't fix your issue, I would suggest re-installing your core FTX products again (Global, A couple of regions, ORBXlibs, any vector/mesh/landclass products you own). 








I have carried out steps 1. - 3. in exact order. This made no change.


So I am pursuing re-installing core FTX products and will do this after downloading the latest ver 140.

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Jarrad, I have done a lot of investigation and experimentation with this problem of incorrect autogen at some Global Airports.
Firstly I have methodically reinstalled all my FTX Global software as well as Pilots Global 2010 Mesh and this made no difference to the Airports that we have identified.
After all this I then began looking back into my system logbook and looking through my Screenshot archives and then made a very startling discovery.
This problem has been with me ever since I rebuilt my system with Steam (FSX:SE) for the very first time. So there Airports have never showed/used Autogen trees correctly.
The proof came in the form of the following two screenshots.  
This is a shot of NSTU taken on the 12th June 2015 when I was still using boxed FSX.
I rebuilt my system and first used FSX-Steam on the 18th June 2015 and installed NSTU on this platform on 28th June 2015 and as can be seen Autogen trees were not working proberly at that point in time.
It may be necessary to study the history of my PC
- When it was built in Sep 2013 and was supplied with Win 7
- My first install of FSX was a boxed version of Acceleration with SP2
- Approx Dec 2013, upgraded to Win 8.0 using straight upgrade.
- 24-01-2014. Upgrade to Win 8.1
- 18-06-2015. System rebuild due to SSD drive fail. Installed FSX:SE for the first time. Only sim installed.
- 27-08-2015. Upgrade to Win 10
- 31-03-2106. Steam Verify repair.
My old system was working under Win 8.1. When I rebuild my system with a new SSD drive and converted to FSX-Steam I loaded Windows from a USB boot stick as this was the only copy of Windows (8) I have as my system was originally sold with Win 7 and this I did a upgrade to Win 8 and 8.1 as above.
This raises a whole new number of questions....
- Does the problem with Global autogen trees exist in FSX:SE?
- If not, what is it on my Machine that is causing the problem. 
From the screnshots above clearly NSTU trees looked OK but from the moment I went to Steam I had the problem. It was not Win 10 as this came later.
What now my friends.
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  • 1 month later...

Just giving this topic a nudge as it remains unsolved after some time and whilst it does not effect my flying in general I still avoid using those Airports that are affected as it is not satisfying to fly at them nor do I feel that I can offer and submit screenshots as they don't fully reflect the quality of the Airports affected.


Five or six Airports is a sizeable investment that I have made that I'm not using because of this "bug". I'm also hesitant about buying any new Airports if they use the same type of Autogen technology as those that are affected.


Not withstanding the above, I recently purchased Arlanda and am pleased to report there was no problem there.


Consideration please. Cheers Anton.

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G'day Anton,


As we've discussed several times in the above posts, your core issue lies in the fact your sim is reading an outdated version of the autogendescriptions file - the file that controls all autogen vegetation types and groupings in FSX/P3D. As we also discussed, this file would normally be correctly updated by installing the latest ORBXlibs and (previously) cycling FTX-Central. For whatever reason, your computer is not registering that, I suspected that there were two possible causes;

1. Permission/security settings on your computer (and specifically your FSX:SE folders) were not set correctly and thereby not allowing any updates to the original (default) version of this file. 

2. You have a registry issue from the time that you switched over from FSX to FSX:SE, possibly meaning that our installers are being confused as to which directory (FSX or FSX:SE) to install/modify files. 


That said, I did give you the original version of this file to manually install yourself (see my reply #8), the fact that this file did not make any changes further leads me to believe there is something larger wrong with your FSX:SE setup - most likely caused by my two guesses above. However, since then, a new version of autogendescriptions has been released via ORBXlibs - primarily to add new vegetation types for Bar Harbor and a couple of other projects. I've attached this new version here, all you need to do to manually install this is;

1. Download and unzip the attached file. 

2. Drop the two autogendescriptions files into your Autogen folder, replacing the existing versions. 


This will be the file that will define your vegetation. 




Extract and drop these two files into your Autogen folder.zip

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Hi again Jarrod and thanks for your continued support.


I have followed your recent suggestions and still no go, just at KTEX and 4 or 5 other FTX airports out of about 70 I have installed.


Please refer to the link below that documents the steps I have taken together with screen shots.


It is worth noting that with regard to your point 2. This should not be an issue at all as I only have one Fsim installed on this PC and it is
FSX:SE installed in E:\Steam\Steam Apps\common\FSX


So as far as the registry is concerned it never sees FSX:SE (as can be seen in the drop down list when I installed KTEX and the orbx libs)

This must be the end of the road for me aside from a complete reinstall which I am not ready to do at this point of time as it takes me
a month or more to get everything up again and I want to fly.


Here are some of my config files that may help.







In this case I will have to be content to continuing to avoid the Airports that are affected.

Cheers Anton.

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Hi Anton,


That's very informative - thanks for the screenshots. Just a quick question - I've noticed an interesting element in your Steam/FSX folder; what files/folders are in your E:\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\Microsoft Flight Simulator X folder? Also, do you have folders on your computer where addons may be installing to in error? If you remember the location of your original FSX location (before the rebuild), or the usual locations such as Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator X etc, have a look and see if there are any files going in there by mistake. 



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OK, I have just added four screen shots to the first evernote posted in id:23 of the main FSX folders I have in use. I note that scenery.cfg exists in more than one spot but only one is updated. This is nothing new.



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Next two points;


1. What is in your  E:\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\Microsoft Flight Simulator X folder? 

2. Could you run a search of your entire hard drive for AutogenDescriptions.spb and let me know the exact locations of each instance of this file. 




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I have added the results as screen shots in the same evernote again.


There are no occurances on the C: SSD boot drive


The ones that are on the downloads folder on the F: are just my storage copies.


Now of the ones on the E: SSD FSX drive, the ones in Steam\FlightSchool should not be an issue as this is only recent and the problem occured from my original FSX:SE build last year.


That leaves the ones that are in the orbx script folders?



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Hi Anton,


Could you try the following;


1. Backup your autogendescriptions files found in the following two locations:

2. Replace these with my current versions that you have been using. 


Test the results, see if they fix the issue, if they don't revert both back to their backup versions. 




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Wahoo, now you are onto something Jarrad.




Have a look at these four screenies from KTEX, trees are back. Now I will have to work out what Steam DLC airport 352181 is and test it. I had already decided to stop buying DLC products from Steam for FSX, this has re-affirmed my reasoning. If need be I will uninstall these. I would rather play safe, although I must say I have not had any compatibility issues I know about with Aerosoft or other "normally" purchased addons.


Thank you very much for helping me with this Jarrad over and above the call of duty.


Cheers Anton.

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  • 6 months later...

I've just had the same situation occur - no trees in any FTX Australian scenery. The cause was (oddly) the OrbX FTX Meigs Field I got through Steam, once I replaced the autogendescritpions as noted above, all is now well. This topic (or a TLDR version of it) might be worth a sticky on the top of the support page or FAQ. It took me quite a bit of searching & reading to track it down.

Ah, the joy of flight simming - learn to fly planes, and get free lessons in games coding!

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